Lina, Princess fuck off from TheoTheo X Mc only!!!!
Bro if Hana was biological child of Pietro all of us would went crazy about who the mother is(We all already did when we learned he had a daughter)
What no little annoying devils that look cute sometimes? And no usually hot babes or annoying things?(Constellations and you jnow the dokkebi probably gonna mispronounce)
Love the fact that in this story Mc doesn't have a fvcking harem of woman with big boobs and bbls
Yesss. Hope it stays that way.
Yeah keep yapping nobody cares dumbass
Idgaf angels are hot as fvck
they aren’t called angels for nothing
Fr tho
Meh expected something better
Like mother like sonAnyway Rider looking goodHe for sure is on my wanted list
I'm laughing at Abel's mouth when that dirty blonde guy came in, it's such a cartoonish shock liked this chapter alot
Lina, Princess fuck off from Theo
Theo X Mc only!!!!