I wonder what if someone might get an idea of the use of the hourglass and stole it from her.

From what I read in the novel, this is a spoiler so warning.
Aria has royal blood, her mother had a one night stand with a Count who comes from a royal family, meaning that only she can use the hourglass. Asher is on the same boat, his special power is teleportation. That’s why he’s always quick to appear and vanish.

actully in this scene when the princess was questioning Aria, she noticed the hourglass box but in the manhwa she didnt.
I remembered that because I thought that the princess would have tried to figure out what was in the box but she never really questioned it after.
so I guess thats why they took that part out of the manhwa

[spoiler warning]
actually, aria's father is not related to the imperial family, he just drank the holy water because he was thought to be the son of a member of the royal family but was actually the son of the marquis from the kingdom of croa.
this explains why aria can only use her ability once a day, while asher can use his ability multiple times in a day.

I still wanted this to be updated no matter what until the end as soon as they can, I want to know the end even thou some comments that I've read said it will only end in a threesome scene, but I want to know what yujin is thinking agreeing to that threesome and what shiwoo is thinking wasting yujin even thou he likes yujin (he don't want to admit it)
I really want this to be translated (≧∀≦)

Almost everyone is waiting for the next update of this manga, and we have been waiting for months to be updated and as I can see the the last update was year 2013? 6 years ago and I am starting to forgot some part of the story because of the slow updates. We understand that translating it to english is hard especially when there is no translator but this manga is beautiful and so creative we love the artwork and the story of it ,and for some of us waiting for months is too much but what about some of us who are waiting for 6 years? Thats too much...We hope that it can be updated ASAP and for the 6 or 7 years of waiting it should be completed
Patience is highly need but I think for making some of them wait for 6 years is too much

Hi, was with the people who translated this manga years ago, the translations were up to Ch20, but unfortunately this manga have been licensed and cannot be uploaded anymore, we tried to but it would just get taken down everytime so we just gave up on the project. This was years ago, I don't know if the licensing has been lifted up, or any other translation group is gonna pick it up again, I really hope they do though, anyway just a bit of information if people are curious why it hasn't been updated

I can't wait for the next update I want to read what will be the next step that yujin will do to love someone like shiwoo, I think he deserves better than shiwoo. But to think that shiwoo is such a slut thinking nothing but to feel good, I want to think that Yujin will suddenly felt tired of waiting and understanding shiwoo that he will think that he's just a thing filling up shiwoo's needs like sex...
Omyghaaaash ♡♡♡