Tomie was serialized in Gekkan Halloween, a shoujo horror manga magazine (The magazine is now defunc...
- Author: itou junji
- Genres: Drama / Horror / Josei / Supernatural / Tragedy
Those who are resistant to death are called "Demi-humans".<br><br>That day, Ke...
- Author: SAKURAI Gamon
- Genres: Adventure / Horror / Mystery / Seinen / Supernatural
Hye-sung spent his entire life believing he was an Alpha, the jackpot of the genetic lottery. But hi...
- Author: Fargo
- Genres: Yaoi / Romance / Webtoons / Comedy / Drama / Smut
Every night at 10, Dong-gyun locks himself up in his room, grabs a box of tissues, and watches a liv...
- Author: Mingwa
- Genres: Yaoi / Webtoons / Adult / Comedy / School Life / Slice Of Life / Smut
They met on the street by chance. He was a police officer, and she was in the middle of her shift. T...
- Author: Kotteri
- Genres: Historical / Romance / Slice Of Life
The funny romantic story of how Qiu Tong and Sun Jing met and fell in love.<br><br>Also ...
- Author: Tan Jiu
- Genres: Comedy / Drama / Romance / School Life / Shoujo Ai / Slice Of Life / Yuri / Webtoons
- Author: Arai Sumiko
- Genres: Yuri / Shoujo Ai / School Life / Romance / Comedy
There are a few unusual things about Cafe Goyo. Number one, their coffee sucks. Number two, their cu...
- Author: Ker
- Genres: Comedy / Smut / Romance / Slice Of Life / Yaoi / Webtoons
When Jiang Wanshu met Ren Pingsheng, what she thought was her light, became the beginning of her nig...
- Author: An de,Zhuang zhuang
- Genres: Shoujo ai / Mystery / Romance / School life / Thriller
this is a list full of forbidden things! mostly oneshot
(༎ ෴ ༎)
✓weird but HOT
i do not support any of these genres!! and if you're a minor(18 y/o&below) STOP WHAT YOU'RE DOING RN DON'T READ ANY OF THESE!! it won't do u any good it just gonna mess with ur head. if you're an adult, u can read but DON'T copy any of the actions in the manga/manhwa. istg if i see u in hell for doing things like that