We all know how this webtoon going to end...both main characters in love and happily ever after

Lmao can't wait to laugh at you for being so delusional.
Don't understand why any of you are reading this when the author already said it's going to pan out with them together. Give up now, it's honestly pathetic. Insanity is the definition of continuing to do the same activity while expecting a different result. You might want to get checked.

Sweetheart, I'm not mad. I cannot be mad at someone I pity. To entice rage, you would have to actually slight me like insulting my culture or something of that nature. I'm just correcting stating what some people would feel, that you may seem delusional since you have been reading this drivel for over 30 chapters and expecting something different. I find you as mad as a hatter, honey. Please take no offense to it. Just drop this banal but pretty work and touch grass.
Well she deserves it since she trusted her b*tch sister...