I've been waiting for this question my whole life he looks like a fucking gorilla ong I wish there was an AU side story of him killing himself bro tries to act cold so bad like you're NOT him nga got played once and uses it as an excuse to be a fucking dick (the depression should've killed him) I wish the mc didn't save him when he slit his own t......
16:8 diet works for me. Eat for 8 hours then water fast for 16 hours. sleep for 8 hours and try stop eating 4 hours before bed and start eating 4 hours after waking up. But dont do this for long time cause it will cause some health issue. Also cut off sugary beverages. Stick to water only. Cutting off sugary beverages helped me lose weight without......
I got a lot lol (not sure if all are controversial) but I'll write what i remember: - the artstyle for both jinx and bj alex (same author) is horrendous i just dont like and couple it w the shit storyline makes it sm worse (not shading on the artist tho it's just my opinion) - love is an illusion is GARBAGE like i hate that story with a passion ev......
Becaussse Giovannis room and TSOA have already been mentioned, I think you’ll like these too: This is a posthumous work by Pessoa. No story but a series of anecdotes. Lie With Me (made me cry) On earth we’re briefly gorgeous (made me call my mom) And if you want mystery set in the dark ages with a priest solving a series of deaths. Umberto Eco ......
When I see comments, profile pictures, tiktoks or anything about it. I block immediately.
Ive read alot of BL and seen all kinds of Semes. But this Seme, I hated him. he wasnt as toxic as other semes Ive seen. But he just pissed me off. I even liked Sangwoo more than him.
The worst part is 80% of people like him. Eww.
I mean ks is intended to be psychological horror not love stories like those stories where there's """"actual""""" romance. I think sangwoo never loved yoonbum nor would have loved him still if he was alive. he was just a hole for sangwoo yknow the saying straight men will stick their dicks to anything that has a hole.