I thought this was a story about Sunwoo and Dahm at first, i'm lowkey dissapointed but still gonna read this tho.
Also is everyone here alright? like, i get that you don't want the second lead to be rejected, but , the love interests are twins. Maybe i'm just weird but, why do you wanna twins having a polyamorous relationship with each other? ;-;

ngl the romance feels a little out place, like, on the last few chapters; someone killed a child, the mc had disposed of a body and person comitted suicide out of pure despair, and now the tone changes to a romeo and juliet slice of life manga ;-;. For me the problem isn't that those things are there, but rather that they they are introduced(? in the story doesn't feel s m o o t h
Also, wtf ? i didn't need two pages of that guy's masturbation
oh god, it updated!!
now i can rest in peace
Same *lies down,cross hands and closes eyes while crying