I recommended this to my homophobic bf I only told him to read it I didn't warn him that the girl has a dick he didn't read it yet though I bet he's still sleeping(dw he loves me no matter what)
Definitely no dude he left me for another girl, I feel sad and angry Abi
All the best luck to you in the future lol but I th ink if you click the title of ur commment it should take you to like a a “tab” of ur comment and on the bottomish of ur comment should you the options to follow or delete ur own comment
All the best luck to you in the future lol but I th ink if you click the title of ur commment it should take you to like a a “tab” of ur comment and on the bottomish of ur comment should you the options to ... Xiwang
Meiow meow meiw meeewwo moew meow mmmmeew