I know for a fact we all wish we were him in his puppy form cause dogs get more love than humans when they got good owners ong my parents be treatin my 4 better than me sometimes
Dude he was just a kid and ge didn't know what he was doing calm the fuck down in the cmts. Im sure you would've wished something you could possibly regret to if you were neglected as a child from familiar love and care fucking hypocrites. Stfu and just read the story or leave cause this complaining shit is annoying asl
Yall saying stop with the conflict but the conflict was NEVER truly solved so wtf do you mean? Choi Jeongs father was the overarching antagonist to the entire story even for himself and anyone with a pair of eyes and common sense could tell immediately they were brothers in some capacity. And the conflict of Tayeongs father was him, and frankly the whole issue of Tayeongs upbringing was him too. I think mfkrs are just so dense and blindsided to what it means to have an actual plot buildup in a writer's/scripting insustry for their bias of what's usually expected, because anyone seasoned in literature would've suspected this would bring the father into play. Like can we please stop acting so fucking fresh with shit ffs.
I WAS RIGHT TO THE T. I KNEWSSSS IT. Now survive so I can see your post apocalyptic wedding
This is the most beautiful rendition of Death I've seen in a very, very long time. Also, he did everything for Brian he could and I HATE he blames himself. I lost my mom at 4 and blame myself for that, but neither of us consider that we gave them the happiest years of their life, and it breaks me over and over to watch him think that it's his fault. You get one shot at being a parent for the first time, and that first time is BOUND to be mistake ridden. I just hope he doesn't regret nearly as much when he and dio reunite...
Tae PLZZZZZZZZZZZ Man I can't do it. I understand he feels guilty, I understand that he can't turn back time despite what he did, I FUCKING KNOW, but I CANT ACCEPT THIS PAIN TOO BRO. And that baby was the cherry on top cause he feels responsible, which I guess some may say it's justified, but he really can't blame himself for this. Man's used every fiber of his body and literally life atp to get him Eun back despite everything and almost died trying. He's got his "karma", he's suffered enough and no one can convince me losing a child is acceptable as further punishment to any parent regardless of the circumstances. NO. ONE. I wouldn't even wish the most convicted criminals or whatever the fuck to lose their kid / a chance at having one, and if not empathy for them themselves, then the child that never even had a chance to open their eyes. Tae needs to knock tf out of it and I think the only way he'll think rationally is if Eun can convince him of that.
I understand yall gettin mad but its a romance, you already know theyre gonna end up together so I dont understand why get so pressed about it as if we arent seasoned readers of manwha like i literally ard I'm finna get pranked by plot but thats okay i put myself through the needless torture willing KNOWING how this finna end 9/10. Calm your tits
Okay but i like i lovd the story but like....i feel like the end was just the beginning of a new chap (to read ab) yk? Like do they get married, side couples, rectification of relationships, shit like that. I really hope this gets a volume 2
Its always the racing ones that have the MOST angst first it was Taesungs memory loss, now its Leo forgetting and disregarding the whole reason they fell in love in the first place......ngl we need more guide verse and racing manhua/wha cause i hate angst but im here for it
So hypothesis: They met younger and got separated one winter day for some reason (I feel like Jin told them to wait and was too late), then Jaemin dies from sickness and bloodloss. Not sure, but I think the guy Nae already killed was the one who sexually abused them, and now he's going after the priest to conclude his revenge. (I think he's likely suicidal and didn't really plan to live after his work was done. Don't ask me why but his demeanor tells me lot from a psychological perspective.) Now, they faced with a few options: 1) Jin finds out and helps him escape, 2) he finds out and this entire story ends in tragedy/renunion after jailtime (praying not this option), or 3) Nae doesn't kill the doctor and is never caught, or is and hopefully can take a plea deal for minimal sentence fiven the circumstances. I'm not an advocate of capital punishment, but the amount, severity, and time of the crimes of the priest may warrant it since there is technically evidence to show of what he did through Nae (his issues aside) and given child crimes are 9/10 sentenced harsher. But thing is even if Nae say turned himself in with all the evidence in mind, he still killed someone too. Im really wondering how thisll play out...
Wait so what happened with the Shiba Inu and the other one???? I like the main story but the latest eps seem entirely too rushed and have no plot. Id rather author take a few months break to develop overdishing out ep after ep of 5 lovers 2 which have already gotten entirely lost by plot
YALL TRUST THE AUTHOR LOVES US TOO MUCH!! We shall have a side story for Gabin and Sacha, and likely a second side story of the married couple traveling space. Trust!!
Someone ping me when there are actual chaps. Arts nice or whatever but if i wanna look at art I'll just go to insta. If there is a story it looks promising so I'll keep this for later (and no i did not read 19 whatever the fuck and dont plan on it cause i dont use twitter). Okie ciao
Psychopaths are characterized to not having morality and higher emotional control (due to the lack thereof) so it was probably really hard to notice for the parents. And he killed them. Not a spoiler but im 99% sure because its characteristic. That does NOT mean all socio or psychopaths are killers btw so please never stereotype anyone like that. Yuha just so happens to be one
Bro if you got a WARNING WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU STILL ATTEMPTING TO LAND?!?!? YALL STUDY AERODYNAMICS AND PHYSICS IN FLIGHT SCHOOL FFS. This is the titanic all over again but with wings. You're lucky he didn't doe or I'd have yall executed like the Ace of Spades in the WORST ungodly way possible that would put the Queen of Hearts to shame
Yall just never stop complaining bruh. There's alot to unload, so ofc there'd be alot of text. And what's wrong with the art style?? Its cute, cohesize, and compliments the characters well. Just enjoy the story ffs or drop it since you likely aren't paying for it anyways
To clarify he isn't remembering at all. At least not in the latest ep. If he was he'd been wearing the clothes that endsd season 1. I believe that version of him is just the very first in which they fell for each other, which would make more sense because itll soon loop back to where they started in ep 1. In essence I think season 2 will loop back to the first ep, then the finale will end on the a day or so after season 1 finale to start season 3 where theyre in his last regeneration (for lack of a better term) and finally escape the loop to live happy
Sisters a total Otaku extremist, the bully is just a closeted hypermasculine gay that cant express his feelings so he acts an asshole who is actually a cunt, and the love interest is probably the most respectable character besides Taks mom in the entire series. Welp isnt this just a clusterfuck of conundrum
TWO YEARS??? Actually idky I all caps that that's not even that long in space relativity if you include travel time, "surgical repairs", and recovery plus the time it takes to come back. I think I'd just have heartache from the lack of seeing him and likely no communication but i mean they end up happy so its all that matters