Only on episode one and all I can think about is, "When an extrovert meets an introvert and doesn't know how to respond"
Who needs an explanation and from which point in the story? Just let me know episode or ask questions because I completely understand the story and will answer, but I refuse to explain all 49 eps bit by bit (cause im lazy). But ill help
Yk I can sorta appreciate he calls him his wife in a weird way cause I've been curious about this (and maybe someone could explain better) but I always wondered why in BL sometimes they'd call their spouse wife instead of husband, but I've a newlyfounded appreciation for it in the actual fuck is going on-
Lonely, I am so lonely
I have nobody, here on my ownnnnnnn OOOOH
Yea I'm so lonely
People: *calling him a twat amongst other things*
Me: ...did we not establish he's on the autism spectrum like literally last episode???'s seriously easy to tell if you're even a little educated....
No no no no no no no no NOOOOO!!! HE SHOULD'VE AND DID SO DON'T START FEI. DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE. Cheng loves you and thats ALLL that matters
Someone give me spoilers before I crash the fuck out otherwise I may actually resort to the parking deck, i fear.
We couldnt even make it through HALF of January and I already wanna kms
How bout.....neo. Get your ass back home before I play the song. Tyvm.
Just get married ard.
And I think our sunny days is monopolizing the platform cause its literally under EVERY single manwha/hua/ga I read atp and we stan.
Im so sorry but I'm literally crying and Im only on ep like 20 and need a break cause I genuinely just cant take this level of anxiety. And I love gore, psychological, mystery, all that good stuff and this is ALOT for some reason. Like Im not even phased by SAW Trilogy but this is just ughh...beautiful story that talks about everything many authors, publicist, and just all people alike are too afraid to fucking scream to the hills, "RACISM, XENOPHOBIA, HOMOPHOBIA....ALL THESE THINGS EXIST!! STOP TURNING YOUR EYES AWAY CAUSE MY BRUTALITY IS A RESULT!!" And I stan this truly its just so much packed into these episodes...its beautiful and terrifying.
Anyone who ever thought the older brother was remotely good, sane, or anything of the sort deserves jail for eternal lifetimes since Im not a heartless bitch who believes in capital punishment. H-02, on the other hand, shall experience eternal torture and pray to their technological gods if he ever lays a hand on Helm or Blue the things I'd use on that man teheheh
Yk Josh, when I told you to cut the shit last time, followed by mix responses and a lot of dislikes, I didn't mean cut the shit and yell to the hills professing your love IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET DAMNIT I mean....yk what I feel like authorsan read my comment and was like "Oh? Okay bitch. Asketh and thou shall RECIEVETH-" Amen to open communication tho finally all jokes and yelling aside
I feel so much preopt anxiety from what I know is to come, but worse yet because I genuinely can't predict how Juheon will react. Cause thing is, I can se him being avoidant and rightfully so upset, but I could also see him being more shocked, maybe slightly hurt, but then bouncing back and the angst being over just as fast. God, you never know with these two fools
Im on ep 37 and the way I just screamed, "NAOIIIIIIIIIII DON'T MISUNDERSTAND IT'S JUST THE TISM!! THE TISM I SAY-" is so pathetic cause I thought it was an internalized scream but no. No ofc it was not
I must acquire more manwhas such as this. Which titles might I achieve this level of fluff and death by cuteness??? O.o
So I think the idea was that the Uke was searching for a purpose to live and blamed himself for everthing since his dad died wanting to be his hero I assume, and the girl died because he couldn't look past his unrealistic expectation to take on the world by himself while ignoring the fact he is half of the "monsters" he's attempting to eradicate.
Meanwhile, Seme is a millennial old shell wandering around looking for a purpose to exist, similar to Uke. But the reason was his prior brides existed for his love and affection, rather for the sake of themselves (to my understanding). So when Shuuya showed up with the intent of killing him, essentially "breaks" himself in the process, then finds a way to satisfy his initial goal of eradicating the Blue Bloods through Azure, Azure is over the fucking moon because finally his bride has awakened to live and use him other than for basic affection. And I believe the bite was a sanctification of them uniting as a couple.
I think the point of this is to say that love and mere existence for the sake of it isn't enough reason to live by itself. Additionally, you have to be realistic in that there is a limit of what justice in the world can actually achieve given its a man/human constructed idealism that will push someone far beyond their limitations to live up to this extremely unrealistic expectation. Same thing for love. In order to live life you have to find purpose and means within yourself to use your external entities to achieve that goal cause nothing is done alone, and long story short, Azure and Shuuya, in a twisted and understandably confusing manner, achieved that.
I hope this helps (assuming Im on the right track)
OMGOIF, Lord where do I get a relationship like DIS cause I swear they're one of a kind and I need to be part of that one WOO