Min should date the annoying blondie and leave these two alone. Its giving 3 of sword tryna interfere with Lovers, 2 of Cups, and 10 of pentacles
This is probably one of these best series I've read on here so far. Top 10/15 fr. Our Sunny Days has a rival imo idc idc
The prostitute of a noble is so delusional lmao. Like sir, he's just better at being seemingly more unappealing to the king thus making the king interested. You fucked up by acting like an attention seeking munch. Reap what you sewn
I think I know whats happening since another story I read has the exact same circumstances different plot but imma let this cook since im not 100% sure but im like 5% away from confirming
Im wondering who's deceiving who here cause I think your hearts already starting to betray you bae
And yes I will reread the entire story if I have to to explain if people want it, but Ill need a few days then to take notes and accurately do everything
I was fucking right~~~~~~~~
Thus DTT (Dual Tape Theory) doesn't exist and I can play on my assumption Seungchan was a lil BITCH.
Does everyone want a new recap now that things have been clarified?
Its literally tagged yaoi like yk what you got yourselves into so why complain now?? People are ridiculous nowadays like bsffr
I rhink Yongtaek had a nosebleed because other than Bada he's a real person outside the game and maybe each has their own set of side effects varying based on how many times they die. Bada may only be memory loss cause he's the main protagonist, Doha may or may nlt have any because his condition is he was an npc aka an accident to begin with playingwise, and Yongtaeks may be physical drawbacks from dying to many times as a playable character. I think itd make sense at the very least because the gameplay (which by no means is but I digress) would be too easy if all they had to do were look for items and complete mini games/endings (imo).
As far as Bada being a developer...I think its a possibility but tbh I'd rather focus on the info we do have because its like Matt Pat game theories: too many can throw you the hell off and essentially make this the next decade long FNAF storyline when we dont need to hypothesize as much since this is an actual story and not indie one off that was made into one. There's a plot to adhere to, but yk....just my opinion. But anywho not too much of a content update, so if confused still refer back to my other cmt on my feed for this story for possibilities based on what we know to likely be true (nothing a out who they are outside the game i should preface). Ciao
I've figured it out but if anyone needs clarification up to this point ill gladly explain. Otherwise im not gonna say my presumptions for fear of possibly spoiling by accident
This reminds me of the other manhua where Uke turns into a ghost and they have to win his favor (forgot the name if someone remembers the series) but I LOVEEEEEEEEE the game genre and need more NEOW. Please suggest more like this if you know (and unrelated but Our Sunny Days has mass monopolized the platform I'm convinced cause its in the cmts under ALLLL my manwha/hua/gas)
Bro yall so focused on Caesar cuddling that are you not thinking about his eyes? Like he looks like he's boutta do something stupid to protect him again as if somethings coming.
And im done arguing about Vlad vs Caesar. Leewon CHOSE Caesar himself. He's not an idiot, not entirely wreckless at least, and again says HIMSELF he chooses him. Just stop with the Vlad trope ard like pls. Im just gonna drop this before cmts go annoyingly ballistic but im curious to see what happens story wise
That was the easiest kidnapping in any story I've ever seen-
Yk it doesnt matter how many times I reread this story cause my dumbass forgets which ep I left off on and thus start from square one, but the blatant fluffy borderline not but technically still is(?) Stockholm Syndrome kills me EVERY. TIME. and I FUCKING LOVE IT and episode 17 disgusted meme makes me feel like there's still a [false] sense of hope for humanity *proceeds to let her delusions HAVE delusions. Clinically insane, yet a catastrophy at best*
Yk it changed 3 times, but I can live with the artstyle tbh so long as the plot stays this juicy
Winter aka Dong = Omega (went from B to O) = smells like amber
Shen = Alpha (thought to be Omega cause he doesn't release pheromones on purpose except to Dong)
Yu Yi = Alpha(?)
The way I feel like Scrat and the damn Acorn bruh FOR FUCKS SAKE JUST SAY I LOVE YOU AND KISS ALREADY
1) Taesoo def killed Giwoo's dad and guilt tripped the boss 1000% Im convinced (not a spoiler I dont actually know but lets just use common sense here)
2) TBH, I get what others are saying about Boss and everything, but because of reason 1, I don't necessarily see it as bad if he gets with him romantically. Now if I found out as in if I were in the story and it was revealed, OH FUCK YEA I'd be pissed until I figured out reason 1 (which yes, I may not know for sure, but imma live delusionally convinced that is the single and only truth), but then I think I'd move on. Feelings are obviously more complicated than that (which I sorta lack full emotional capacity imo based on my mental health) but I don't think I'd blame him. No, I know I wouldn't when the truth came out, but that's personally just me seeing as Boss hates Taesoo now for whatever reason so it must be because of him fucking up down the line.
3) We love he didn't hurt the baby in a moment of drunken weakness so brownie pts
Recap: Bada wakes up in a game (barely remembers shit) and does all this gameplay. Doha joins early on after getting sus vibes from Bada and becomes lover and player companion (know that happened later but yada yada). Doha sabotages Bada a few times, and innocent beefy Hyung ends up accidently having his taped played, dies a few times with whiny playboy, etc etc (this segment was so short lived and not even worth mentioning tbh). Moving on...
(Time skipping alot here including finding Seungchans assumably first tape. See why I say first in a bit)
We EVENTUALLY find Yongtaeks tape after alotta shit, and so awakens that munch. (Even tho he was already awake and being a dumbass the entire time.) He explains Seungchan, Bada, ans him teamed up after awhile (which we'll get to why that's sus) and so was playing together and along the way Bada forgot basically because 1) undisputedly, he got bored and forgor those two fuckidiots and 2) the possible NOT ENTIRELY CONFIRMED until maybe ep 50 lol theory that they all have 2 tapes, and his gaps are due to one of his stopping at some point. (I'll explain the tapes and checkpoints at the end.) That being said, Bada and Doha give Yongtaek a chance to prove his use, thus like episodes 46-49 ish (?) (Cant remember when that munch joined the party).
NEOW, episode 49: They divulge a plan to investigate the Mine and eventually die at the Abandoned House per Yongtaeks ending 2 rev (ep 48-49). Prior to the game start, they walk and talk together about Badas past life so to speak. ALLEGEDLY, Seungchan told Yongtaek as he and Bada were playing together awhile, that Bada lost his memory from playing and dying so long (which btws, if you've seen Dead Man Switch, when something becomes too routine you do start to lose count especially after dying so many times and begin to move on autopilot. So, its PLAUSIBLE that happened but...), but tbh that's sus given we found a white tape similar to Yongtaeks, which can lead us to believe each player may have in fact 2 tapes.
But....how does that make sense? Great question. So Yongtaeks whole spiel is that he and Seungchan continued to play the maps until the mine. Then all of a sudden he dies like right before exploring the area, then has no memory. Well, MY THEORY (Just a theory, a DREADFUL NIGHT THEORY hehe hint hint. Um anyways....) is that Seungchan fucked with Yongtaeks 2nd tape at some point, so that's why he couldn't save the mine's data as its sorta weird we dunno how he died and why Seungchan didn't save it on his assumble second tape unless 1) he doesn't know where his is yet or 2) he died before he could dave it himself also. And since we don't probably intend to get Seungchans opinion anytime soon, those are the most likely IMO. A second theory is Doha is fucking around again cause he doesn't realize still that they may be all able to escape since he didn't hear Bada and Yongtaek convo earlier. I think the former is more plausible tho cause something is off, which I mentioned earlier Seungchan is sus af, cause its mildly convenient that he could explain to Yongtaek that Bada suddenly lost former memories unless (based if the 2nd tape theory is correct) he turned off Badas tape for some odd and I think frankly sinister reason cause if he could escape on his own, why not take his friends and COUSIN with him?????
How the tapes work:
Insert + play tape = Playable character (minimally)
Temporary stop and restart to tape = Saved Data (aka checkpoint)
No stop at some point = restart the "round" or map
Stopped tape altogether = NPC
If taped is stopped, but someone restarts it = memories recovered based on their own gameplay up until point it stopped
** with the Dual Tape theory, that gets complicated and convoluted because stopping one tape, but having the other run may imply just missing a saved location, no memory loss since the other is still in play(?) Basically = unsure waters atm
I hope this helps everyone cause I got a few questions on my last comment and realized like 90% of readers may be in the same boat.