Aphrosia created a topic of Another Lie

Idk if my heart can take the tsunami to come. I don't even know if 100 anchors are enough cause this shit boutta BLOW and I haven't had to mentally prepare this much since Madk or that one manga where my is trying to get revenge on ml but ends up taking dying for him in the end. That one...bro hearing the music in the distance was CHILLING but this may actually fuck me up. Or if it ends up being a Perle sitch imma lose my shit

Aphrosia created a topic of The Hounds of Sisyphus

Whether he's a pup in wolf's skin, or a tiger in a black cat's body, idc. I just need more of his eyes and his muscles and his cuteness fr. And given he likely rose from the literal depths of hell, he's likely in reality not kidding about being not as human smart and is still getting used to the surface. I love this story too much and I'm interested to see how much he lives up to his name in the modern dystopia world

Aphrosia created a topic of Find the Sum of Love

When people get mad about outing someone, but then the person outs himself:

I love these two but if I have to sit through drunken miscommunication for 10chaps one more time I may actually go sicko mode and open domain expansion-

Aphrosia created a topic of A well known love affair

Tbh this confession seems very fitting. Like we all knew but saying it matter-of-factly no extra bs is so their dynamic. And tbh it's not like Seingha will take it lightly, nor do I believe Jeonsoo would say it then if he thought so. I feel like people aren't giving him much credit because he's short and naive, but he's still a hardworking adult just unfamiliar with the way of love (and tbh I think the author made him intentionally damn near demisexual for that reason). Honestly the confession was so refreshing it makes me wanna go back and rereading it 3 more times

Aphrosia created a topic of 1995 Youth Report

JinHan just needs to send the ship atp cause its been at the docks for too longggggggg~~~~

Its so cute they're getting to know each others personality and facials since that can be so hard between couples~~~~

And ffs why cant I find me a hottie like Kaii omfg

Aphrosia created a topic of Nerd Project


Yall have some valid points, but one's a fuckboy which he admits aka a narcissist and the other is a pantomath damn near ex knowitall, so genuinely not understanding what expectations you had or why they were so inflated. Not to mention, The 1950s-60s seeming timeperiod, this stuff was extremely popular in culture (especially Western and that's statistically not just something I'm pulling out my ass), so it seems very onbrand. Being Yaoi is just an added factor, but that was also commonish then or are we forgetting the Roaring 20s into the Great Depression?

Honestly I just feel like this is way more realistic than some are giving it credit for in the way it represents the characters and mindsets.

Aphrosia created a topic of Our Sunny Days

I have emotions I also cast to the side about missing my parent and certain others because to me they're just too painful to face tbh. And I have really no friends to talk about it with otherwise I feel like I'm complaining or speaking too much or just burdening them with my shit, so I get it. But story wise I just have this feeling that granny will like say everything she can and pass away due to the fact she's soo much older and they'll adopt him. Tho I really hope not cause I seriously can't and won't be able to deal if they have a funeral in this story atp because it's so wholesome

Aphrosia created a topic of Blue Name Pressure

I honestly do think tho that he's not just trying to do this solely for understanding tho because that last line about first impressions seems like he'll genuinely give a fuck and try to treat him with decent respect cause in reality, why care about that or even think it If you're a piece of shit yk?

Aphrosia created a topic of Thundercloud Rainstorm

The funny thing is I knew that was the case from the start. It just all seemed way to weird and no Author or storyteller in their right mind that is would promote...yk. I just thought that they were aware and was bullying him for it. But now all this makes perfect sense and Iljo is just pissing me off for pushing him away after all that. Like what was the point of committing a love robbery if you were gonna leave him high and dry anyways???

But....huh....heh....*inaudible breathing huffs*
( ̄□||||!!

Aphrosia created a topic of Red String Quests

The way I go back and rereading this everytime and episode drops just because it's too beautiful in it's own way and the dynamic and demeanor of Sunbae are just UGHHHHHHHH. I dream to have me a smart yet dense man that's that sexy and stunning omg

Aphrosia created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

I haven't started reading yet, but id this actually yaoi? I seen the saved section and some people have it grouped in with it so I was confused

I knew it was over for my sanity once I noticed the piercings smh

Aphrosia created a topic of 1995 Youth Report

I need more webcomics like that ARENT Sunny Days (I'm already rereading that like every couple weeks just for the hell of it

Aphrosia created a topic of 1995 Youth Report

I'm feeling amazing, I'm fucking amazing
I'm high as a kite, I'm sat here picturing you naked
You just have to take it
If you want someone crazy like me, babe~~~~~~

Aphrosia created a topic of Our Sunny Days

This series better last as long as I draw breath cause I can't bear to think that'll happen if it ends

Aphrosia created a topic of Roses and Champagne

DMITRY THAT DAMN MUNCH. I assume he hired Leonid smh. Always scandalous that milk chocolate gorgeous man with the shitty personality and emeralds for eyes. Anyways...yes long way to go but as AN ADULT who can CHOOSE who HE LOVES, if you love Caesar this much after all he's done then it is worth the growth. He needs it and sometimes bad people are put in your life for good reason and maybe that can even change you both. So lets start journaling the journey to mutual trust and respect AFTER dealing with the mint chocolate bar.

Aphrosia created a topic of Dreadful Night

Okay two things:

1) Sorry I never got to recap. Life got busy, I got depressed, yada yada and I just never got to rereading everything (which atp I'm sorta thankful for since 51 is basically the recap everyone confused needed). Which brings me to my next item...

2) Holy fuck. So, skipping needless theories and repeat of episode info that can just be read...who the FUCK is the OG character? It seems like Seungchan would be the obvious answer, but then why make Doha lose all his memory (to our knowledge at least), and Bada have gaps? Or, and this honestly seems plausible, did Bada start of as the OG then when he turned on Seungchan/Doha it became a thing of control so that they could manipulate exactly how much he knew and when? Cause hear me out, but if Yongtaek (God rest his and the other lovebird idiots souls since something tells me they'll never make it out) was awoken afterthefact, who's to say that something didn't occur BEFORE that? I could go in circles all day to be frank but this is my conclusion...

Game: Beatable, and hell, maybe was even close to being beaten at some point for all we know and there was interference (pre episodes we know now)

Players: Essentially, for times sake, everyone was an OG at some point and for now we'll assume Bada was the first. Problem is, we don't know who or WHY Bada has gap memory, and it's HIGHLY contingent on Doha vs Seungchan atp because we know Doha's tape was turned off (why??) and we know that one of the two LIKELY came before the others to know what really happened to Bada, and why he has memory gaps. Now, I say it's contingent because regardless of what happened after (irrelevant for now) depending on who did it would spell motive of why (control? love? both?) thus figuring this out is likely key.

Objective: Finding out why the fallout, WHY Doha's tape was turned off (whether before or after Bada's gap memory), and most importantly the reason Bada's gaps exist and what he knew prior to them. And given we know this is not a Deadman Switch Theory trope now, we know it was intentional in some way cause no way Bada did it himself.

Genuinely curious how this'll unfold now because I said before, but I genuinely don't think the other three will make it out unless till the absolute LAST minute given their trauma. And I wonder if Bada's memory gaps were even due to the tapes, or if we should start entertaining the Developer Theory [DVT] (Bada may be the game creator of sorts) because then it'd explain enough, not alot, but yk...
Tho I honestly don't wanna entertain DVT cause it opens too many cans and we already got too many fucking worms.