I stopped reading Perle cause I was sure my heart couldn't take a plunder as great as it if I continued but seeing it merely being posted made me cry so fuck I may asl well
Damn you both!! For the love of heaven and hell just make up and kiss already my God
I love stories like this. Similar ones are Beyond Memories and Dead Man Switch in case anyone needs something to binge. Dreadful Night isn't exactly like this but close enough as well
"You know what, Pado? There’s a certain liberation in admitting one’s error. It’s the moment intellect triumphs over ego—a practice I suggest you adopt with haste (especially if you want or sexy tan king)." ~Adapted quote of Sherlick Holes
Im hoping that implied infinite cause otherwise Imma be pissed
I see what everyone is saying about the art style cause I went back and yea the old looks more clean and glowy but at least it still looks pretty compared to MANY others I've seen where it changed and actively got worse per ep. This one isn't as bad (or bad at all imo) and the stories still interesting
He's gonna be royally fucked in more ways than one that's for sure
If animal farm was real, his dad would be one of them to be killed. All imma say cause the level of angry I am may actually cause me to snap my phone.
Im sorry but the SpongeBob meme took me out at the end ON SIGHT
Top 10 stories fr. Only ones I think can rival this particular art style is Love In Orbit cause wooooooo chile....Plot tho?? On par with Our Sunny Days, 1995 Youth Report, and Over Run. God I'm so obsessed
Idc what anyone things of those two, but I personally have Spencer written on so many Deathnotes I could snap him like the fucking twig he is and be perfectly fine. Better yet, I say we kill him off. Because genuinely most of these misunderstandings wouldn't have happened if it weren't for that bitch Adrian (and yes he IS a HUGE part of the fucking problem) hoeing the fuck around and I don't even like using terms like that but a fucking spades a spade, and Spencer that Godforsaken devil worse than Lucifer himself. I haven't felt THIS pissed over a story in a VERY long time and mostly because they truly have something special here. Like really. God I really need the author to kill those two fuckwads off I'm so fucking serious rn
The way my reaction was literally the exact same as there's because I was NOT prepared for Grandma to come out and say it (and I hated water in my mouth)
This is killing me primarily because it's reminding me of myself. Like this shit do be real but my God they both just need to stop playing games and just be together already. Especially since ngl imo this is more Iljo fault than anything. Why hide you were adopted when that literally could've solved so much? And, like I said like 4 cmts down, wtf was the point on making him Icarus if it was just gonna turn into an Alice in Wonderland rabbit hole scenario?? Like what's even the point on leaving NOW?? Like fuck...killing me dude
He's got the gay human teletubbies surrounding him like he's the Aphrodite of manwha
Its such a good, slow burn read except even with that Ido still manages to make me wanna slap the batman off his face cause what was the reason?!? Something from the last life must still be left out cause I know there ain't no way he would do that mindlessly.
Bro just tell him before it goes back to ground zero cause wtf my guy. It's the 21century not 1700s or whenever the fuck you accidentally I assume killed him. Ffs
All these horses in my car got me going fast
I just wanna do the dash, put my pedal to the gas (skrr, skrr)
Going so fast, hope I don't crash (skrr, skrr)
One false move, that could be my last (yeah)
Idk if my heart can take the tsunami to come. I don't even know if 100 anchors are enough cause this shit boutta BLOW and I haven't had to mentally prepare this much since Madk or that one manga where my is trying to get revenge on ml but ends up taking dying for him in the end. That one...bro hearing the music in the distance was CHILLING but this may actually fuck me up. Or if it ends up being a Perle sitch imma lose my shit
Whether he's a pup in wolf's skin, or a tiger in a black cat's body, idc. I just need more of his eyes and his muscles and his cuteness fr. And given he likely rose from the literal depths of hell, he's likely in reality not kidding about being not as human smart and is still getting used to the surface. I love this story too much and I'm interested to see how much he lives up to his name in the modern dystopia world