His story reminds me of my own except I survived. Honestly I 1000% feel him given how similar we are and everything that led up to gis passing. Idk if I'd be able to handle my mom passing in this manner though (for context, I already watched my mom pass and I barely manage now, let alone to come back to life to just find a tombstone)

Reread 76-77 and listen to Paper Hearts by Tori Kelly, and I'm telling you anyone who misunderstood the chaps will understand instantly because the song is basically the plot put to music. Trust

Same dawg. Same. And i just went to a breakup of a friendship i was in so it hurts more. But I think in the greater scheme of life while some people have permanence, others are there to be temporary and both are fine. Not everyone is meant for every chapter and thats cool, no matter how much it hurts to close it. Or maybe it's the only way I'm dealing with my feelings but i think that was the point of their story too

Okay unpopular opinion, but while I am NOT for the unconcentiallity of Do-yoon, I do think he loves Yejun and there is a reason he couldn't commit back in Uni. Because im sorry but idc what anyone says he is yanderish, and he obviously hates his dad, so I feel like his family stopped him and that's why he only subtly shows how much he actually cares now. Ive seen it in countless, countless stories and shockingly irl too, so I wouldn't be surprised. I think he obviously needs work and I mean ALOT of it, but I'm almost positive he was never with anyone else in those 5 yrs, constantly only thought of Yejun, and probably acted in the time he did to avoid his father doing so. I don't know what it is, but there is a subplot here no contest that i'm very desperately waiting to unfold to redeem even the smallest bit of this man. But he def needs to apologize for his sexual behaviours. Like ig I understand the rut was a true accident, but when they met back up was unacceptable

I suppose I can see your point about ML being obsessively in love with MC. But like - idk, slightly contentious on his family being the roadblock. Because his dad doesn't vibe with him marrying a 'subpar' omega anyway. So their approval is redundant.
Not to be too serious haha, but his behaviour is a great example of coercive control. Blackmailing ML into "marrying" him in exchange for treatment of their son's medical issue, forcing MC into an unwanted sexual relationship, creating a situation where MC can no longer work and has limited contact with friends and support system.
I just mean that I think old mate is crazy obsessed and not that it's a secret act he's super kind underneath. Who knows, maybe it'll change, look forward to reading it.

Bruh I kid you not I posted 6 min ago I humbly defy the Lord to NOT read this latest episode to proceed to read the ep anyways and 6 minutes later post on snap flipping a table for my dumbass defiance after being left on this illegal hell damned cliffhanger from Lucifer himself. Why did I not listen ((T_T ))
Oh, dear Watson, if only you understood...