Idc what anyone things of those two, but I personally have Spencer written on so many Deathnotes I could snap him like the fucking twig he is and be perfectly fine. Better yet, I say we kill him off. Because genuinely most of these misunderstandings wouldn't have happened if it weren't for that bitch Adrian (and yes he IS a HUGE part of the fucking problem) hoeing the fuck around and I don't even like using terms like that but a fucking spades a spade, and Spencer that Godforsaken devil worse than Lucifer himself. I haven't felt THIS pissed over a story in a VERY long time and mostly because they truly have something special here. Like really. God I really need the author to kill those two fuckwads off I'm so fucking serious rn

This is killing me primarily because it's reminding me of myself. Like this shit do be real but my God they both just need to stop playing games and just be together already. Especially since ngl imo this is more Iljo fault than anything. Why hide you were adopted when that literally could've solved so much? And, like I said like 4 cmts down, wtf was the point on making him Icarus if it was just gonna turn into an Alice in Wonderland rabbit hole scenario?? Like what's even the point on leaving NOW?? Like fuck...killing me dude
If animal farm was real, his dad would be one of them to be killed. All imma say cause the level of angry I am may actually cause me to snap my phone.