Awo fujoshi created a topic of Counter Offensive

Damn. What a shitty uke

Awo fujoshi followed a list
Awo fujoshi followed a list

1st story ok..but a little bit cliché
2nd cliché
3rd same
4th normal

Not really worth reading (at least for me)

It was so FUCKING beautiful... the story is just perfect. And the ending was so fucking emotional, i cried like a bitch

Awo fujoshi created a topic of Ai no Koe

Wasted my time..

Awo fujoshi created a topic of High School Lala Love

It was funny. I couldnt stop laughing at a page

He reminds me of myself with all those shitty clicher fantasy he have

#i cry...pretty good

Awo fujoshi created a topic of Hana Tokidoki Kuma

It was just starting to get good..
Why it got to end like that

Awo fujoshi created a topic of Rebirth

Aghhh. I'll never get a man like that. Damnn.. That's sad

Awo fujoshi created a topic of Mangaka to Yakuza

I love it.
I don't know how many times I re read it


I prefer the real keichiii. At least he's not a fucker


"Loving you hurts"

Tsk ,uke is fucking annoying

Awo fujoshi created a topic of In An Empty Classroom

It felt rushed..I didn't complete was weird..

I didn't feel comfortable..

Awo fujoshi created a topic of Love Plan

I know it's kind of toxic ,like the separation anxiety things...but I would have wish to get a boyfriend like that..

I know it's gonna be toxic ,but like having someone seeing only you ,loving you to a point of feeling/acting like that

Well i kind of want that kind of love obsession