you smell gay's experience ( All 0 )

you smell gay's answer ( All 2 )

1-2 Most of the series I read are already completed/have really infrequent updates. Most things that update regularly I pay for on Lezhin, so I'm not really getting updates that often.   reply
27 12,2018
lul my dad found my yaoi manga that had sex in them and he looked through them and returned them to amazon. now i joke about it with my sister and my dad. i have a feeling my sister knows i still read it but im p sure my dad definitely does. he probably doesn't feel comfortable with it but if he read about naked ladies in his teens i should be able......   reply
20 11,2018

you smell gay's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did listen to a song on repeat

why so lonely by wonder girls its so fucking good like dont even get me started the bridge rap chorus melody everythings perfect i LUV

19 minutes
did masturbated to yaoi

hehehe y'all can't blame mee

1 hours
did play with other people's minds

I know he has nightmares about me heheh

7 hours