me is big confusion, i have no idea wtf was going on can someone summarize it for me pls? literally all i got from the story was "exterminate rat" and "finding (insert name)" im so heccing lost my dudes. :(

The tatooed mc illegally gathers information for people through hacking and other means and also can see the auras of others. When he seen the other mc’s aura (kingly aura) he decided that he was meant to serve him, this is what he reveals in the end. The other mc is trying to make (or seems to be) someone president so uses the tatooed mc to get information on a spy (the rat) and who the spy is working for, but he’s also messing with the tatooed mc with lots of mind games and interest in his character. I hope this helped a little, sorry if it doesn’t make it any clearer, tbh a lot happened for only one chapter so this “summery” is kinda long.
Wot in dee fjook