Zilla June 21, 2019 10:34 pm

If you really think about it, Twice could actually save lives with his quirk. I mean, he could make copies of people and transfer the copied blood to the original person, He could use copies to donate organs to patients who really need them, hell, he could even donate the copies limbs if he wanted. He could save thousands, really.

    BambiiPanda June 22, 2019 12:34 am

    Maybe transfer blood, but I’m pretty sure if his clones expirience excessive amounts of pain they Burst

    Gragill June 24, 2019 8:08 am

    Well, I don't think the organ doning would be a good idea. Just imaging the copy getting into a car accident or something, exploding out of pain, and then this poor woman screaming as her new liver disappeared out of nowhere. However, he could become the best black-market organ scammed in the industry.

    Zilla June 24, 2019 4:41 pm

    Hush, everyone. Stop destroying my random thought with your logic.

    Emerald15 June 27, 2019 9:23 am
    Well, I don't think the organ doning would be a good idea. Just imaging the copy getting into a car accident or something, exploding out of pain, and then this poor woman screaming as her new liver disappeared ... Gragill

    I thought that his power is that he can make everything double? So he could just only double the organ not an entire human

    Couch-Potato July 7, 2019 6:32 am
    I thought that his power is that he can make everything double? So he could just only double the organ not an entire human Emerald15

    well the doubles disappear after they receive a certain amount of damage, just imagine someone getting onto a bad accident and that organ gets damaged and BOOM no more organ

Zilla May 24, 2019 4:41 pm

Being clumsy is a small trip, spilling some papers, or even bumping into someone! She's not clumsy, she needs an exorcism.

Zilla February 28, 2019 9:57 pm

"It's easy, look!" *Gets punched*

Zilla September 12, 2018 12:55 pm

This tomato growing guide is way more helpful than all the ones I've used tbh.

Zilla September 7, 2018 5:10 am

Sangwoo spent days away from his own house straightening his hair. What kind of shitty hair straightener did he buy.

Zilla August 27, 2018 5:11 am

Well... I decided to read this to see what all the hype was about... I have a few comments.

1. Alex knows his boundaries (Purely sexual relationship) but he's a dick about it, so fuck him.
2. DG stop doing dumb shit. I have almost died from second hand embarrassment so many times that I lost count.
3. Chanwoo, honey, you're doing great sweetie!
4. You too, MD. You're a wonderful BDSM gentleman.
5. DG, you should stop drinking.
6. You too, Alex.
7. DG, Alex, please just have a normal fucking conversation. It'll fix so many things, I don't want any more second hand embarrassment anymore, PLEASE.

(I'm just gonna fangirl over how much I love Chanwoo for a minute.)

1. Chanwoo is best character, best friend, a wonderful ray of sunshine. If he were real, my eyeballs would melt right out of my skull because of how bright he is.
3. The scene where he the waving the viewers goodbye with his foot was honestly so adorable, my heart just broke during that scene. It was wholesome.
4. The scene where he was scolding MD for being too vanilla was also adorable.
5. The scene where he was sitting on MD's lap, watching Alex's failed stream was also adorable. THEY WERE WEARING PANTS SO THEY WEREN'T FUCKING, YOU CAN'T TELL ME OTHERWISE.
6. Chanwoo is best barista, too.

(Okay, I'm done fangirling over the wonderful Chanwoo.)

8. The scene where Alex shoved a dildo AND his dick into DG was so wrong and I wanted to kill Alex so much. But I can't. Because he isn't real.
9. Fuck you Alex, I don't know what DG see's in you.
10. Chanwoo is honestly amazing, OMG.

    aquashine August 27, 2018 5:13 am

    I completely agree with all of this! Thank you! (⌒▽⌒)

    Cuteseme August 27, 2018 5:36 am

    This is my favorite comment hahaha i died ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    SatansSenpai August 27, 2018 5:55 am

    I agree weith ALL of this. I want a spin off of just Chanwoo lol

    FudanshiPsycho100! August 27, 2018 6:23 am

    Everything I ever wanted to say is right here so I'm just gonna say a "HELL YEAH MATE" and be on my way.

    D ace May 19, 2019 3:10 pm

    Senpai!!! Marry me

Zilla August 21, 2018 11:59 pm

I wish I was strong enough to get abs in the matter of two seconds.

Zilla August 19, 2018 10:46 pm

Cole is a mood. Well, I guess more like a personality.

Zilla August 3, 2018 10:39 pm

It's a dead body, it's a dead body, He's going to throw a dead body at Bum and everything's going to go wrong-- HOLY FUCK IT'S THE SHITTY UNCLE. OH FUCK EVERYTHING HAS GONE EVEN MORE WRONG.

    alex August 3, 2018 10:41 pm

    i was thinking this exactly as i read this!

Zilla July 29, 2018 5:11 pm

Komi Dad is officially best Dad you can't change my mind.

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