"Am i a bad/weird person for finding this hot or liking it?" Yes! Yes you are You genuinely finding someone getting r@ped and taken advantage of is really freaking disturbing. "But they're only fictional.." The stuff that's happening isn't. The victims of these crimes aren't fictional and all of you deranged weirdos finding this even the slightest bit attractive or trying to justify it are the problem. Seek help!!
+I'd rather have simple humane sympathy and be called a "newgen" or people telling me "what did you expect" than not speak up about this.

Miss the days when Shinoa wasn't.. like that. I hate the fact they just dumbed her down to an obsessive Yuu crazed girl I genuinely don't even dislike her because she's a "threat" to Yuu and Mika's romantic relationship like a LOTTT of Shinoa haters are I just want my original Shinoa back

It's a longgg story apparently mika is yuu and yuu is mika and they knew each other from a long time ago with Mika's father that's like the creator of angels. Mika was sick and died, they kept his body so that they would one day bring him back to life and now current mika and yuu are diving back into the past to see all this and I haven't read much more. And also no, even though it's really hinted, there's no outright romance between them!
Hot take but I seriously dislike amamiya like idk he's just so off putting and VERY annoying
Same, he is very creepy too. I was scared to say it because everyone seems to like him. I guess is because of his looks that people like him.
EXACTLY omg most people only like him cuz he looks good
I dislike him too, I can't get past the fact that he endangered Akira just to awaken his alien and his personality is less than desirable
So true
I can’t get pass him slashing shou up like a shiskabop at the age of 12 (idk how old shou was in that flashback but from then on i didnt like amaniya.
I forgot about that, but I suppose he was testing his limits or accommodating him to the pain of dying. I really think that he's the alien that Akira is supposed to take his revenge on.
Him aside, I can't stop thinking about Akira's alien being a "momma's boy" and him being a "daddy's boy". Which would mean that they could have been twins or that the alien interacted with the family before the mom "died" and possessed their son to protect him or just that he needed a host. He seems to have memories of their mother even from before Akira's birth. I'm really curious about him. I want to see him in the next chapters ╥﹏╥
OMG I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE THAT THOUGHT HE WAS HAKUGIN!! that flashback with akio begging him to stop or smth like that was SO suspicious
I'm the biggest fan of akira's alien self like I NEED to know more about him!!
His type is rumoured to be able to create and destroy worlds, for once I really want one to ACTUALLY do it!! That would be so cool! (≧∀≦)
And I also wonder what he must think of the situation Akira's in, as he must be seeing everything
RIGHT?? I'm so curious cuz does he like, dislike or is just neutral to akira?? Was he protecting himself or akira when he fought "silver" in the white room?
For now he hasn't seemed very interested in Akira, he just let him live his life. My theory is that they must have been close in the past but Akira forgot about his existence after a traumatic experience (prob mom's death) or perhaps "Akira" was the result of a promise made to his mom so that he could live a life free from the alien cops. He also seems fixated on the moment their mom was pregnant, so maybe she died of childbirth afterall and since he's an alien, he remembers all those moments
THAT'S A REALLY GOOD THEORY!!! I just really hope he's on akira's side at least idc if he's against the humans cuz that'd be really interesting to see but he HAS to be on akira's side
I'm hoping that part of the reason for him to return to the past will be because he met his alien side and acknowledge his existence so that he may use his alien superpowers
And was mom even human? Perhaps she was a host to some alien like her son?
This whole thing kinda remind me of Venom
I thought about that too!
No me too
I resented you so. I had to keep moving forward in every moment... But you were always my one and only weakness. That's why I resented you so. Luka, live with love. Embrace the pain, the frailty and the moments so unbearably shameful. Forgive yourself… Again and again, endlessly. Because everything… begins from there.”