FoolishKook December 7, 2018 5:00 am

Spoilers chapter 76;
From what I’ve read, China boi ejaculated, came, whatever you want to call it when Kang Jinha touched him Then blamed it on the alcohol while Kang Jinha was shOooK. As for the flashback, it was in summary; Siwon promising to protect Kang Jinha if he ever was in danger because Kang Jinha let the class president bully him because the class president threatened to hurt Siwon but back then Siwon was strong enough to fight and intimidate the class president.
Class president is probably being used as a metaphor for China boi because China is bullying Kang Jinha and threatening to hurt Siwon so guess for the next chapter is that Siwon will do what he did as a child;
Start standing up for Kang Jinha, protect the boy who is protecting him

    December 8, 2018 6:43 am

    OMFG Pass the raws plzzzzz

FoolishKook July 24, 2018 2:09 pm

I’ve already read to chapter 32 on instagram and I gotta say,
The new guy Jisu...
Jisu came off really wrong when we first meet him but later on he’s gonna be that gay best friend everyone wants in their life. He’ll get “orders” from Kyunghoe but refuse to do them, turning down money and item bribes. When Kyunghoe pulls a “Lu Xuanrun” Jisu is going to realize that the friendship and love between the MC’s and their friends is something worth protecting and rather than letting them face Kyunghoe alone he helps console Jiho and offers support and then helps Soohan in the big epic “take down” of Kyunghoe. Soohan has Jisu seduce Kyunghoe and bring him into an alley where Jisu starts screaming and yelling and they manipulate the video to make it look like Kyunghoe, an adult college student look like he’s molesting a high school minor and threaten to send it to the school. Kyunghoe tried to bribe them out of it but Jisu had a revelation; telling Kyunghoe that drama wasn’t something he was interested in getting wrapped into but all his life has been a lie, hiding his sexuality because his father would never accept him. But that it would be okay now if the video got out because he’s got friends to support him that he never had before. He saw Hyebin protect Soohan and Jiho when the slander post from Kyunghoe was sent out, he saw Jiho’s friends apologize for teasing Jiho and Hyebin about being a couple when they find out he’s gay, he sees a boyfriend defend and support his lover unconditionally. And now he wants to be a part of such a close family of friends so that’s why he helps take down Kyunghoe for them.
Everyone hated Jisu on instagram but as of the most recent chapters, he’s one of the most loved characters because he pulled through when we didn’t expect it!
Just giving some hope out there to people who want to strangle him XD

FoolishKook July 20, 2018 3:05 pm

This person has translated chapters up to 39 here:

    meanie July 20, 2018 4:29 pm

    you are an angel

    I Am Awesome July 20, 2018 4:49 pm

    Bless you

    Taetaelien July 20, 2018 11:14 pm

    not really ? it only show until chap 28? if anyone can send me chap 30+

    MyMellifluousSerendipity July 21, 2018 3:45 am
    not really ? it only show until chap 28? if anyone can send me chap 30+ Taetaelien

    Did you scroll DOWN? Lol cause there’s 28-39 there and if you want to be technical it’s actually 29-39

    Taetaelien July 24, 2018 4:58 pm

    Ooops im so dumb sorry!! Really sorry! But i think theres a chapter missing? In the 30s

    Taetaelien July 24, 2018 4:59 pm

    or is 33 with 34?

    MyMellifluousSerendipity July 24, 2018 7:17 pm
    or is 33 with 34? Taetaelien

    There’s no chapter missing ^^ TappyToon is off by one chapter because they’ve removed the equivalence of a full chapter of sex scenes >.< I just corrected my numbers to match Lezhin since I don’t cut any panels out

FoolishKook July 3, 2018 6:01 am

This gave me so much life, the scenes that TappyToons virgin nuns censored,

FoolishKook June 7, 2018 11:50 am

I’ve been reading the translations of 65-66 on instagram and I’m starting to believe that China is genuinely liking Siwon is his twisted fucked up way.
In Chapters 64-65 I don’t think China used the Stone of Envy to see Siwon because Stone of Fate he gave to Siwon was fake so China has both stones. I believe in Chapter 64 he used the Stone of Envy to block Siwon from seeing Kang Jinha but used the Stone of Fate to see Siwon in 64-65.
I think this is because the Stone of Envy is only powerful if the owner (China man) is envious. So China is envious of Siwon’s desire for Kang Jinha which is why the Stone of Envy worked in blocking Siwon. So using the Stone of Fate China was able to see who he desired and that was Siwon and the BDSM was his fantasy but he already knows how much Siwon loves Kang Jinha so he’s lying and manipulating Siwon. That’s why he took Siwon to an island in the middle of nowhere. He’s making Siwon believe that Kang Jinha doesn’t love him by isolating Siwon away from Kang Jinha while at the same time blocking Siwon so he believes it more. Now Siwon being trapped China knows that Kang Jinha wasn’t straightforward with Siwon which is how China was able to interfere, because Kang Jinha made that error of creating a gap of unknown and uncertainty between them that China attacked.
So when China talked to Kang Jinha alone in Chapter 66 he told him that the dream was the unconscious truth, it was, it just wasn’t Siwon’s dream. China used both stones to see who he desires, Siwon, and who he is envious of, Kang Jinha, which means the dream was entirely in his control. To support my belief China gives Kang Jinha the Stone of Fate back and says he’ll stop using the Stone of Envy because as he said, “from now on he’ll be using Siwon’s heart”, which means if Siwon ends up liking China the Stone of Fate will be useless because Kang Jinha will try and see SIWON, which is why China said that he’s certain that they will break up. China’s reason for this is because “unlike you, I’m going to be forward with my Sunbae.” which he is, he’s telling Siwon over and over that he likes him, he’s telling Siwon that he wishes for him to meet with who he desires in his dreams (China manipulates that but he’s also making Siwon believe it’s truth), he’s supporting Siwon’s physiological needs, while manipulating his psychological needs to rely on him.
So when Kang Jinha goes to the temple he realizes that it’s not that China is envious of Kang Jinha’s love for Siwon, it’s that he’s envious of Siwon’s love for Kang Jinha, so in order to put a stop to China and save Siwon he has to change China’s feelings, he has to get China to like him again so he can be envious of him, not Siwon. Which is why Kang Jinha goes into “DaDdY mode” so he can attract China back to him and away from Siwon. And that’s why Kang Jinha changes who he “desires”, instead of trying to see Siwon and failing because he knows China will be vying for Siwon’s heart without the power of the Stone of Envy because he’s not envious of Siwon anymore, he’s envious of Kang Jinha. That’s why the game has changed, China gave Kang Jinha all the puzzle pieces thinking Kang Jinha wouldn’t try and solve it but he did.

I could be wrong, this is just what I think is happening. I’m waiting for Chapter 67 to be translated but from what I saw of the raws, China has the whole story right in his hands.

    norimak_1999 June 7, 2018 11:58 am

    No I think you're right there :) I makes more sense to me now. Thanks for your translating and explaining :))

    Oreos June 7, 2018 11:59 am


    Aviinà June 7, 2018 12:14 pm

    oh wow thank you that explained alot!. I was totally shoked when suddenly the stone worked and it wasn't kang jinah! at first i was thinking the stone must be fake but then you see it working i was like yes finally he will be back to kang jinah :o but no it dind't happend.
    :o so thank you alot again i was really like why are you chaging the story so much that i think most of the people are kinda fed up!

    Serendipity June 7, 2018 12:23 pm

    Such a detective ^^ I’m so proud >.<

    FoolishKook June 7, 2018 12:26 pm


    FoolishKook June 7, 2018 12:26 pm
    Such a detective ^^ I’m so proud >.< Serendipity

    Oh there you are XD

    norimak_1999 June 7, 2018 12:28 pm
    GUYS I DIDNT TRANSLATE THE CHAPTERS IM JUST GOING OFF ON WHAT I SAW ON INSTAGRAM! Please don’t credit me for translating! FoolishKook

    oops sorry for that :'> Thought you could read Korean :) But nice explanation (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Aviinà June 7, 2018 1:10 pm
    GUYS I DIDNT TRANSLATE THE CHAPTERS IM JUST GOING OFF ON WHAT I SAW ON INSTAGRAM! Please don’t credit me for translating! FoolishKook

    ........i just liked your opinion i was kinda lost (i dind't read the raws even i don't understand it) :p (better said i like your explanation i was really lost and thanks to you i can understand what you meant) :p

    FoolishKook June 7, 2018 1:53 pm
    ........i just liked your opinion i was kinda lost (i dind't read the raws even i don't understand it) :p (better said i like your explanation i was really lost and thanks to you i can understand what you meant... Aviinà

    Ahh well if you want the translation it’s also here when it’s not on Instagram

    Aviinà June 7, 2018 2:17 pm
    Ahh well if you want the translation it’s also here when it’s not on Instagram FoolishKook

    haha ohh thank you a lot :p i hope kang jinah is comming fast! :p

    Aviinà June 7, 2018 2:25 pm
    Ahh well if you want the translation it’s also here when it’s not on Instagram FoolishKook

    omg thanks a lot i just read it and omggggggg this is fucked up situation poore kang jinah :o

FoolishKook June 1, 2018 12:43 am

I think a lot of people are just forgetting how much time passes between each chapter.
It’s not like Jinwoo just lost his feelings in one day for Woojung, he spent months with Sarang in the hospital (unrealistic for a minor foot problem but that’s how the author wrote it) and has had plenty of time to grow true feelings for Sarang. The time between each chapter is weeks to months, it seems rushed to the reader by its really not since so much time passes between each chapter. I’m glad Jinwoo is with Sarang, they’re made for each other and Jinwoo moving on to someone who was willing to love him sets an example that the girl should be following. I’m a Sarang x Jinwoo shipper forever XD

FoolishKook May 24, 2018 2:15 pm

Just read Chapter 63 & 64 and I’m... just so lost. I don’t get what’s happening or what the author wants us to know and I don’t understand anything the characters are doing. This plot and characters are making ZERO sense. Why are we in an island all the sudden? What’s a dream and what’s not, because even I’m losing track of when they’re awake or dreaming. How are the dreams and reality connecting? Like something’s carry on into the other realm, like the hickeys, but others don’t? And when Siwon was running was he dreaming or in reality? Because MAGICALLY Xuan was with him and they somehow teleported back to the house? The characters themselves are confusing too! Especially Siwon, he like, yells some insults and swears but doesn’t DO anything. Kang Jinha I’m just so confused with, I don’t get what’s going in his head. And Xuan is a motherf’in PSYCHO with mad manipulation abilities here.

    clouds May 24, 2018 2:29 pm

    It's easier if you just forget Jinha even existed, and look at the plot as Siwon having a prolonged honeymoon in China with his new partner.

    That's what the comments have been joking about, as it makes more sense than anything to do with the magic stones or Jinha & Siwon realistically even remaining friends, never mind partners.

    FoolishKook May 24, 2018 2:46 pm
    It's easier if you just forget Jinha even existed, and look at the plot as Siwon having a prolonged honeymoon in China with his new partner. That's what the comments have been joking about, as it makes more se... clouds

    Well that would work if I actually didn’t like the manhwa and wasn’t supporting it. Thing is, I’ve invested a lot into this and I’m going to stick to the end, not as a hater or to drag it down but to support it. My blurb was about trying to figure things out, not discard and dismiss parts or characters.
    I want to work things out and understand what’s happening, not cast the things I’m troubled with aside. Now if you have any actual helpful insight and not sarcasm then I would be much obliged.

    clouds May 24, 2018 2:53 pm
    Well that would work if I actually didn’t like the manhwa and wasn’t supporting it. Thing is, I’ve invested a lot into this and I’m going to stick to the end, not as a hater or to drag it down but to su... FoolishKook

    I think because we have all spent so long being frustrated, and discussing the more serious issue of Siwon being an abusive character, plus the faults in the plot progression, a bit of lightness is a welcome relief. I don't think any of us know how the plot will tie up and still come off as coherent given how ludicrous it has been. I'm guessing Siwon will blame the magic stones for his behaviour, the Chinese guy will disappear suddenly as he has to take up his family business, and Jinha because he is not confident and has dependency issues will return to Siwon's arms....

    youraedthiswrogn May 24, 2018 4:16 pm
    This reply was deleted by the author of the post @Anonymous

    I agree with this^, your response to @clouds was super bitchy when they were clearly just responding to respond... They weren't rude and if they were sarcastic it's for obvious reasons, regardless, the sarcasm was clearly pointed at the plot, not you. You don't have to reply to this, i'd rather you didn't actually, just consider it as you being chastised by me before i move on, this isn't a conversation.

    FoolishKook May 24, 2018 4:53 pm
    I think because we have all spent so long being frustrated, and discussing the more serious issue of Siwon being an abusive character, plus the faults in the plot progression, a bit of lightness is a welcome re... clouds

    The topic of this comment was the questions but I do believe that Siwon is in no way abusive in my opinion. Sure he’s pretty stupid and I don’t understand him but I don’t hate him in any way. Dismissing my questions with “just forget Jinha even existed, and look at the plot as Siwon having a prolonged honeymoon in China with his new partner” does not answer any of the questions of this topic. Does wanting sincere answers to my questions make me a bitch? If it does then Im the biggest bitch out there for wanting an actual answer, an actual conversation and insight. Everyone can have their opinion and I get that yours on this manhwa is a negative but don’t assume everyones is.

    youraedthiswrogn May 24, 2018 4:58 pm
    The topic of this comment was the questions but I do believe that Siwon is in no way abusive in my opinion. Sure he’s pretty stupid and I don’t understand him but I don’t hate him in any way. Dismissing ... FoolishKook

    No, what makes you "bitchy", didn't call you a bitch, is HOW you responded. But you know that. There's no way you weren't intentionally being passive aggressive. Anyways, let's not litter your comment with more angst, you were wanting answers, right?

    Anonymous May 24, 2018 5:00 pm
    The topic of this comment was the questions but I do believe that Siwon is in no way abusive in my opinion. Sure he’s pretty stupid and I don’t understand him but I don’t hate him in any way. Dismissing ... FoolishKook

    The island seemed rushed to me Kinda just came otta no where but oh well!

    SaskiAh May 24, 2018 5:10 pm

    It’s a Ren!!! HI!!! XD I read them all too! First off, no flipping idea why Siwon was taken to an island. Waje threw one hard curveball there ;-; I’m also confused with the dreams, I wasn’t sure if when he escaped he was dreaming or not but I’m assuming he was! I’m actually really proud of Siwon in chapter 64! I saw the Instagram spoiler that wasn’t sure if Siwon was actually swearing but guess he was XD He may not be able to do anything but he’s spitting fire now and losing his mind over his inability to reach Kang Jinha. I think that Run did give him a fake stone and let Siwon go mad until he decided he was unstable enough to use the jealousy stone :) I think Siwon was right when he said “I wonder... you gave this to me without hesitation.” It does seem very suspicious

    FoolishKook May 24, 2018 5:15 pm
    The island seemed rushed to me Kinda just came otta no where but oh well! @Anonymous

    Yeah, I'm still trying to figure out the significance >.<

    FoolishKook May 24, 2018 5:21 pm
    It’s a Ren!!! HI!!! XD I read them all too! First off, no flipping idea why Siwon was taken to an island. Waje threw one hard curveball there ;-; I’m also confused with the dreams, I wasn’t sure if when h... SaskiAh

    Yes it was very suspicious! I find it so unsettling how calm and collected Xuan is! There's no way he would have given Siwon the actual stone and I felt bad for Siwon because he realizes his mistakes and wants to fix them but Xuan has him (literally) on a leash, collared, and pinned on an island. Yo, if I was Siwon I too would be confused what's real and what's not because some things feel real and some don't. I for one just can't figure out if the escape was a dream! I don't get how Xuan could have moved so fast! It's inhumane so I am leaning to dream but he got hurt so that's why I was thinking it was real but the hickey was in the dream but came through to reality. So confusing! I'm waiting for the translation of Chapter 65! Currently awaiting Jazz For Two chap. 29 but I'll be pondering A Guy Like You until then ;)

    SaskiAh May 24, 2018 5:30 pm
    Yes it was very suspicious! I find it so unsettling how calm and collected Xuan is! There's no way he would have given Siwon the actual stone and I felt bad for Siwon because he realizes his mistakes and wants ... FoolishKook

    OMG! I LOVE JAZZ FOR TWO! They’re so cute! I’m waiting toooooooooo! 28 was fucking adorable! Seheon, and Taeyi, omg, dynamic duo, comepletely destroyed hyung XD

FoolishKook May 16, 2018 6:09 am

I don’t get it anymore ╮(╯▽╰)╭

FoolishKook May 7, 2018 4:43 pm


FoolishKook May 7, 2018 4:41 pm

Will I ever meet my own Taeyi? ㅠㅠ

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