not me tryna STEAL xingqiu's boyfriend and him stepping in to interrupt us SLSKDJFLSKDJFSKLDF

2022-08-08 05:58 marked
Anyone has the link to the novel? And spoiler:

Be prepared, the seme is kinda an asshole. He's already in love with someone else (Nicolas, the uke's brother's lover). He only sees the uke as his sex friend and he doesn't remember the first time they met (when they first kissed). To him, he's only having sex with the uke because he was asked to by Nicolas. Therefore, basically he's having sex for himself n Nicolas, he doesn't really think much about the uke. Him beinh gentle is like his personality? Just think of a charming gentle character who acts caring but doesn't actually care or love you. This is all I know from a short review of the novel.

The uke also falls in love with the uke and later finds out abt the truth (he was about to confess his feeling then heard the seme's conversation where the seme kept stressing "we are only sex partners/ I'll keep being gentle to my sex partner till the deal end"). The seme is his first love
2022-03-18 17:14 marked
2022-03-09 08:16 marked

investigayting colors

2021-10-17 04:28 marked

Matches made in heaven

Who said romance is dead??
2021-10-16 15:04 marked


The best and most iconic moments and characters
2021-10-16 15:02 marked
2021-10-16 15:02 marked
2021-09-20 23:36 marked
2021-09-20 23:22 marked
Ya all, I have some news for you guys. Admins are turning off comment sections one by one. Hold your tits and be quite, stop messing around and read your manga/hwa/huas . Creators are pointing on this websites especially on comment section so be careful what you are typing out of anger. It is being recorded, at least I have been informed abt that. Cheers
2021-09-20 17:19 marked

2021-09-15 01:49 marked
I can pick this manga up but I'm not sure bc the author doesn't want to
2021-01-19 13:54 marked

(KAMASUTRA) Hardcore porn BL

Many people asked me to make this album public here it goes !!
But please carry some tissues !

if someone buys this doujinshi then plz send me the link
2021-01-19 07:30 marked
Is there any raws? ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄
2021-01-15 19:00 marked
Raws please
2021-01-10 17:18 marked
To anyone who has forgotten the plot or is confused by it, the texts below maybe can help you. (Note that this covers Chapters 1-39. Also, btw, I'm not the new translator, lol.)

(Disclaimer: Everything written here may not be 100% accurate but I'm pretty sure it's at least has an accuracy of over 90%. If you want something to be corrected, please say so below.)

This is basically the gist and what has happened so far:

- Demons can only enter our world through Doors which are humans.

- Joon becomes Cain's Door.

- Cain is a powerful demon who is at war with another powerful demon(?) named Satan.

- Cain can't defeat Satan because of the bullet in his heart which was shot either by Satan or Satan's subordinate. The bullet was from the fusion of weapons from heaven and hell.

- The bullet has significantly reduced Cain's power which is why he instructed his subordinate, the albino bitch Sid, to find the demon doctor that can fix this bullet injury.

- Cain gave Sid a special compass to help him find the demon doctor.

- Turns out that Sid is a traitorous bitch so now there are other demons messing and is after with the couple i.e. Cain and Joon.

- Sid became a traitorous bitch because he believes that Cain is not fit to be the lord of hell because he's too "soft". That and it's also possibly because of that weird demon parasite(?) or his multiple personality entity inside Sid that's is quite possibly influencing him too.

- JinYeong is Joon's bestie, who is secretly in love with him.

- Sid for some reason becomes infatuated with Jin Yeong so he tricks him into having sex with him, then he eventually kidnaps him and keeps forcing him to have sex with him.

- The Demon Doctor, named Aaron, has a clone that was killed by a demon (it's the demon that uses those bondage/rope thingies. Let's call him Bondage Demon.). The Bondage Demon was Sid's subordinate who Sid gave the compass to and instructed to find and kill the doctor.

- The Bondage Demon succeeded at locating and killing the doctor but he did not know that it was only a clone. The real Aaron thought that the attack was probably caused by Satan so he went to his friend/ally, the Pink-haired demon named Gael to find Cain to seek allegiance and protection from Satan.

- Aaron and Gael arrive at Joon's house to apparently help Cain and in doing so gain his alliance and protection.

- Both Aaron and Gael are afraid of Satan and they are hiding from him in our world, well Gael is, Aaron probably have other reasons.

- Aaron is actually the demon doctor that Cain has been looking for but Cain doesn't know that.

- Both Gael and Aaron used to be on Satan's side. The reason for their current state is still unknown.

- Sid suddenly arrives unexpectedly at Cain and Joon's home and Aaron recognizes him as the employer of the killer of his clone.

- Aaron is thinking of a way to prove to Cain that he is the doctor that he's been looking for since Cain is skeptical due to him meeting many fake doctors in the past and his trusted subordinate, Sid, reported to him that the real doctor was killed (it was only his clone that was killed.)

- Aaron concluded that if he proves that the compass is not with Sid, then Cain will know that Sid actually did betray him, that's why Aaron basically said to Sid "Where's the valuable compass that Cain specifically gave to you bitch?".

(At this point, it's gonna get a bit wordy. I'm gonna shorten it at another time)

- Sid didn't answer and he attacks Aaron, so basically he was found out. We get a flashback then telling us that Cain has always sent his minions to the human world to find the doctor, which is always assassinated for some reason. Then, one of Cain's trusted ally, the Little Demon Girl with Hugeass Hands, seems to know that Sid is doing something and when she was about to tell Cain, Sid was there and then Sid intimidated her and the little girl is obviously scared and thus remained silent.

- It turns out Cain has suspected Sid but now it was confirmed that Sid was betraying him and Cain is devasted because Cain didn't want to believe that Sid was betraying him. We get another flashback and we see a younger crying Sid being comforted by Cain. It seems Cain really really cares for Sid and Sid too used to really care for Cain too. And so they battle. (Also, props to Joon for his quick thinking and lil Donut for his bravery, "I'm not afraid because I'm strong" lol, so cute haha.)

- Cain, perhaps shielding Joon who was attacking Sid, Sid got stabbed by Sid. Cain then asks why Sid is doing this. Like did he mistreat him (which of course Cain didn't.)

- So it turns out one of the reasons Sid is allying with Satan is that apparently, if Cain hands over his entire domain, Satan would "accept" Sid and that his efforts are appreciated and so he will be promoted or something. (Wtf bitch)

- Cain, who is still shielding Joon, gets really hurt, real bad. Then Sid leaves. Joon begs Aaron to help Cain. Aaron can't do anything because of how big the injury was. It also turns out that the magic around the area is being unconsciously sucked by Cain to heal his injuries. This was apparently a bad thing for demons with magic and so, Gael wanted Aaron and himself to run as far away as possible. Joon however stays and doesn't want to leave Cain and Aaron sees this and remembers a similar thing that has happened in the past (What this was is in the spoiler below)

- Because of this, Aaron decides to stay and help Joon to remove the fragments from Cain. (This is referring to that bullet that was shot to Cain's heart.)

- To do this, Aaron will use his power along with Joon's power (also, Joon is called Youngho now?, I'm gonna keep calling him Joon). This process is very very painful for Joon.

- During this process, it seems that Joon's consciousness entered Cain, and there he meets Cain. Joon then comforts Cain to make him feel better and so have they have this very wild, uberly spicy, belly bulging sex.

- The wild sex continues and the reason why Joon is not injured even though Cain is 2-3 times bigger is that all of these are happening in the mind. (But that doesn't mean they won't still feel the sensations.)

- Back to the real world, they are being attacked by Satan's minion. Gael managed to protect them because of his barriers but it is not enough. Aaron wants to continue because he wants to finish what he started and also because if he stops and leaves, both Cain and Joon will die and he doesn't want that. (Aaron at this point is really getting injured too.)

- It seems that Cain is powering up.

38: Joon's celestial-like power and Cain's demon-like power "bumping" together is a no-no. While Aaron is holding up, it seems the healing process is putting a really huge strain on Joon's soul. Meanwhile, Joon in the mindscape notices Cain seems to be getting stable and is happy about it. However, Joon's soul in the mindscape appears to be disappearing/disintegrating (which could mean he was dying) but is saved by Cain. Cain did this by purposely stopping the treatment resulting to the fragments not being completely removed. Even so, Cain's power has substantially increased. Cain woke up and then asks Aaron for a favor.

39: Joon wakes up but Cain is gone. Cain apparently returned to Hell, never to return to the human world because he doesn't need to anymore and because he's completely healed. Joon is devasted of course because Cain promised he would stay with him, but Aaron is all like, 'what sweet promises did the Prince of Hell tell you, huh? ".

Meanwhile, Cain is somewhere around the city, saying stuff like he will stop anything that will will extinguish Joon's light (life), even if it's himself. So basically Cain didn't really wanna leave Joon but he had to because he's endangering Joon's life T T.

That is what has happened so far.


Jinyeong, MC'S best friend, highly resembles the dead previous lover of Aaron the Demon Doctor. Jinyeong is highly likely the reincarnation of Aaron's former lover. Aaron's previous lover was also his door and maybe that's also the reason why he is stuck in our world. So Jinyeong x Aaron is endgame, they were always meant to be since 500 years ago.

Edit: The latest raw chapter 83 shows that Jin and Aaron is still very much happy together. They are still so adorable together.(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
2020-11-20 10:57 marked
Does anyone have a raws link? I tried the WeChat thing the translators suggested but you’re unable to make an account without knowing someone who already has one which is honestly ridiculous ;_;
2020-10-04 14:32 marked
A link is when a vampire chooses a human as their only blood source also making that human immortal (they can’t kill their own link either) so they can only drink from that one person forever
for some reason vampire dude stopped drinking long haired dudes blood and started eating vampire hearts since he can’t drink another humans blood (until he met sooin) which makes the long haired dude live in pain since no one is drinking his blood
As far as I know you can only have 1 link so idk what that means for their future
2020-09-16 17:49 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2020-09-08 13:34 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2020-09-08 13:34 marked

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