Chiki's experience ( All 1 )

03 12,2020
Am i the only one who thinks that it's overhyped? Heckkk, it's really good and all, i enjoy rereading it and letting those dopamine juices just flow right in ; but sometimes i feel as if it's getting boring. I mean, jinwoo just goes wapow boom overpowered mc tingz, i feel like it's more jinwoo being a badass centered rather than plot progression. A......   2 reply
03 12,2020

Chiki's answer ( All 19 )

12 01,2021
by the way you worded it you're really fetishizing gay men otherwise i feel a TEEENSY chance that you're just maybe trans some ftm mlm started this way but it isn't exactly the best way to uhm,,,, word it like this   reply
12 01,2021
prettyy (≧∀≦)   reply
01 01,2021
good lord I have adhd so I made the mistake of reading a lot of manga, dropping them halfway, then read another, rinse and repeat. I still haven't gotten them cleaned out lmao, My highscore was about 80-90 (and that was only after a month of not checking my account at all).   reply
31 12,2020
27 12,2020
step on me challenge   6 reply
27 12,2020

Chiki's question ( All 5 )

honestly i'm just getting a list of all the manga/hwa/hua i'm reading and dashin the hell out when mangago goes down again

so far ive read too much goddamn things and i am now suffering writing them down (⌒▽⌒)
03 04,2021
27 12,2020
I HAVE A TYPING QUIRK FOR COMFORT, if you're going to bash me for it, plz leave.

GOOODDDD LORD Can we plz ztop azzuming all fanz of yaoi are straight women??? A good chunk of the community is tranz (mostly ftm) and soon turn out to be mlm??? I know bcz one of my alterz is one of them.

I've seen some of you guyz (not naming) who are zo hypocritical when you zay you hate people who enjoy yaoi are dizguzting when you're literally on an illegal manga zite which the majority of it iz of that content. Aren't mozt of you here for that reason?
I'm tired of zeeing the wordz fujozhi and straight women together. Sure, I doubt anyone unironically callz themzelf a fujozhi/fudan/fujin but I'm sure mozt of you started out that way? The azzumption that yaoi is for women is bazed on some fact, but it doezn't mean that men don't. It's good to know the actual izzues mlm face, but I'm legitimately zo tired nobody haz talked about this.

For zome people, yaoi helped them figure out they were truly tranz and/or mlm/nblm. They can relate to it on a perzonal level, they don't objectify gay men, but rather think "hey, maybe I want that". Zome of them feel guilty for conzuming that content, and it'z normal.
Even if you were influenced by gay content, that doezn't make your identity any lezz valid. I don't think that anyone zhould feel bad for enjoying the content they like even if the relationzhips aren't depicted clearly (az a ciz gay man). Of courze, there is a differences between liking it and being overly obzezzed.

Alzo check thiz out, on ao3 where a good chunk is mlm content, mozt of the audience are LGBTQ.
27 12,2020
12 12,2020
Yaribu is cp, sure, and I have a hot take on it, I don't know how to organize this, so bear with the rambling.

We all know that the characters in the manga are around the age of 16, and the anime was made without consent and basically aged them down.
I think the manga was made by the author as a satire and it just happened to blow up? It's not like they are glorifying sexual harassment, but rather showing the absurdity of it.
Tiktok and Twitter encourages anyone to basically just... not watch or read it at all, and yelling at others who DO enjoy it to be glorifying cp, generally being a "bad person". Typical strawman argument. Imo, you can like media while knowing it is problematic. Fetishizing and glorifying it is another thing. If we stopped watching everything altogether because there happened to be some shitty aspects then I don't think we'd have any media to enjoy at all.

(One of the reasons why I'm just annoyed with people who disdain mangas like Harada's works with, for example, rape, that show the dark, shitty side of the world ; not talking about fetishism ; just because it has that aspect in it. They think everything should be sunshine and rainbows)
Personally rating media should be based on enjoyment, not on how happy it is from a scale of 1-10, not talking about people who just dislike dark stuff, they're fine.

Also, putting down others for liking it is indirectly putting down neurodivergent people who have a fixation for it, it's not like we can drop it immediately because we experience interests more strongly than neurotypical people.

If you absolutely hate people who genuinely like yaribu because it's enjoyable, then go on to jam to the anime op, fuck you. /hj
12 12,2020
i don't really get how people pinpoint the term 'fujoshi/fudanshi' (going to use fujo/fuda for the sake of keeping it short from now on) as a label that automatically means you fetishize gay men?

to keep it short n' sweet ; fujo/fuda means someone who is into mlm content. that's all there is. it is a label that means you read,,, bl.
it doesn't mean that you all of a sudden stalk men and ship them together for the sake of your own enjoyment. and frankly, those stereotypes really are quite ?? dumb.
sure, a better term would be 'bl lover' or, something like 'bl reader' but it doesn't quite fit yk? i don't understand the people that automatically not want to associate with people who are fujins, they're just reading g a y shit.

fujoshi, fudanshi, fujin, etc, does not mean 'people who fetishize gay relationships, people, etc'. it simply means you like bl.

ty for coming to my ted talk, lol. feel free to voice your own thoughts n opinions; whether you disagree or not.
17 08,2020
so, i isolated myself from a group of friends. they're really good people, and i don't exactly dislike them, but i feel like shit and start having second thoughts whenever i spend time with them. i feel like i'm ignored but i know that's not true because what i say in the groupchat doesn't make sense to them or they just don't know what to say; and i feel really crappy whenever that happens. i don't feel a connection anymore and i just kinda drifted away. what do i do? i really don't know anymore and it's making me confused and bedridden. i feel like i'm just being overdramatic but then again it's been going on for a while. i haven't talked to them in a few months now.
23 06,2020