i pretty much skimmed through a bunch of chaps, why is FL accepting Raymonds apologies? Why are they getting back together, what happened to the other guy that was with FL all the time? What's happening?

Cause she’s an idiot. He was acting a little
“nicer”, which seemed really disingenuous and gross, because he somehow knew some of her favourite stuff, which she admitted was kinda icky cause he never cared when they were married (and I still don’t understand how he would ACTUALLY know them considering he admitted he avoided even looking at her) she also didn’t like it, and kept telling him it was making her uncomfortable, but I guess she has brain damage cause he wasn’t doing much else to win her back and she still chose him in the end. Anyway, she started switching up more when he ingested poison and nearly died saving their son, and she was like why is he distancing himself from me…? I mean it was pretty obvious that even after seven years or whatever of not seeing him, when she stupidly went back to help father with her son (I call it stupid because she was putting him in danger by bringing him and I’m also not sure why she needed to go see her father without any evidence anyway. Considering how much danger they were in from not only treason, but being discovered by Edmunds lying snake of a mum, and getting deleted to not threaten Edmunds position) that she still loved him.
This guy is a psychopath!!! Stand up and have some respect for yourself!!!! I wanted her to end up with Jeremy but she doesn’t deserve him, he helped her for over seven years in the background and thought nothing but the best of her, and all she can think about is the guy that stood all over her and told her he’d never love her. Insane. I get that she doesn’t owe him love, but I don’t even think he appeared enough to really be a friend. He barely registered in her mind.
Sorry, I can’t really answer your question about what happened to Jeremy (the other guy) cause I skipped a couple of chapters and I guess he’s so insignificant to her that he was able to be explained away in the handful I skipped in the end, but as far as I know she doesn’t appreciate him and he wasted his life on dirtbag that was thinking of killing a 16 year old and ruining his life (Edmund) for the sake of her own son (unprovoked) considering he hadn’t done anything yet (his mum tries to make him poison them but he only pretends to). She then drags him out in the middle of the night and tells him to beat it with his uncle essentially, so everyone can be happy.
idk about yall but I dont care how Gege ended it. r/JJKfolks ruined me, but i would never hate on someone's work just because they ended it weirdly or left so many questions unanswered. Gege worked on this for 6 years yall, at the very least congratulate on their investment into cooking some straight gas (the final fight was utter garbage though)
It's still his time and effort and passion and he could've made all of it shit if he wanted to. He's probably tired and didn't like the corner he wrote himself into. Let him rest, yk?