I don’t usually read BL since it’s not my cup of tea, but the art style was so scrumptious I couldn’t help myself (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 AND OH MY GOD, I’M SO GLAD I DIDN’T PASS ON IT!!! This story is SO. GOOD. It’s seriously one of the best manhwas I’ve read, even if some parts were seriously frustrating.i’m looking forward to future updates!!

Dude I wanna read this so badly but love triangles seriously frustrate me. I’ve read TOO many stories recently (unknowingly) with love triangles in them and I am TIRED. Can any1 tell me if this is worth the read and if the love triangle is like… annoying? (I hate 2nd ml syndrome LMFAO)

ngl, since the main couple is already so painfully slowburn, the triangle IS kinda annoying. You might get 2nd lead syndrome too cuz he's kinda cool af. But, the dialogues and the shenanigans these chars get into are so fun to read so this while it may be annoying, it definitely won't be as grating as any of the other ones you've read for sure. So give it a try, you'll probably really like it.

I’m on Chp. 86 and Siyun is getting on my nerves LMAO. I love me an obsessive man but THIS IS TOO MUCH??? Also I hate how Siyun basically has “powers” and it’s barely brought up again. ANOTHER THINGGGGG, I love the FL but I wish she was more insane, Like yay, redemption! But I want revenge, I want her to be batshit crazy like Siyun. Whatever. It’s an alright manhwa, Not the best I’ve ever read.

Does this story have multiple love interests? I've been wanting to read it but I read somewhere (forever ago) that there's multiple MLs. I wanna read it but reverse harems/love triangles/multiple love interests throw me off.

Hm... kinda yes and kinda no?
It's not harem. Theres no multiple love interests in one world. And most worlds there isn't even one.
But I can tell you this isn't the kind od 1v1 where mc goes to countless worlds and 1 ml follows her everywhere.
But... there has been some hints that maybe the ones she chooses to spent a lifetime with might be the fragments of a certain someone... but they all have different looks and personalities so it can be seen as multiple mls.
But lets be clear. This is not a romance comic. Mc's objective is concluding her missions using the least amout of tools (cheats) she can so she can get a better score and not find romance in those worlds.
So if you are looking for world-hopping romance with same ml in every world with romance being a big part od the plot... I don't recommend this. The romance is very sub-plot.
Revenge and a strong and smar mc are the main focus here.