*inhales*kekekekekekekekkekekekekekekekekkekekekekekekekkekekekekekekekekkekekekekekekekkekekekekekekekekkekekekekekekekkekekekekekekekekkekekekekekekekkekekekekekekekekkekekekekekekekkekekekekekekekekkekekekekekekekkekekekekekekekekkekekekekekekekkekekekekekekekekkekekekekekekekkekekeke*bows and backs away into darkness*(⊙…⊙ )

A manhwa that actually made me pissed off, god where's the logic
I'm about to read this, care to explain why it pissed you off?
Spoiler alert
Main character vs 3 romantic interests. Two of them are fucked up in the head, the other is his childhood friend. He ends up getting with one of the fucked up ones who threatened suicide for some attention. We were all rooting for the childhood friend, the most sane one