skyamidala created a topic of Full volume

Can’t believe I have been with this piece since Chapter 0 and it’s already been four years!!! It feels somehow nostalgic. But it was a great read, the dynamic in the side stories was just top notch!

skyamidala created a topic of Counter Offensive

Alright this might be an unpopular opinion but I would be tired as fuck of this if I were Heesuh. I wouldn’t want to stay with someone who wouldn’t stand up to abuse like Jinmoo. He had plenty reasons to leave but keeps coming back. Their relationship is so damn unhealthy and nothing will change if they stay together in this mess

skyamidala like the answer
Mm, I really feel for you. Job hunting is fucking awful. I'd say step 1) assess what you want. Do you want to be in corporate, paper pushing jobs, or do you want to be hands on? If you want to be in corporate, step 2 is going to be, "know somebody" most jobs have hiring bonuses for people who recommend others. So post about wanting a recommendation......
skyamidala answered question about finding job
Honestly no clue when I did post that here but that was sure before m@ng@g0 turned the comments down LMAO so I have a quick update: I’m currently 5th month into my current job (the longest I’ve ever had) and my only advice is mass applying – I think I’ve sent over 70+ CV’s, got few intership offers and two interviews for full-time jobs. M......

if by any chance the translator uploads directly to m@ng@go – can you please switch the font for something more readable? It’s really hard ro read this one :’) That would be so much appreciated!

skyamidala followed a list
27 08,2023