I read it like a half a year ago and now for the last two days and I'm ready to write my opinion. So It was a roller coaster for my heart that's for sure. First of all art. It's fucking dope. At first it' just meh but when you get used to it you think it's beautiful. And then story. It wasn't fantasy with superpowers or robotes it was story about people. About their problems, their lifes. It was so real. A couple of times I burst laughing and a few times I had tears in my eyes. I was happy and then sad, I was impressed and disappointed. So far is one of my favourite manhwas because it not tells the story about uke and seme but about people who want love and their road to get it. I'm thnakful to everyone who he participated in creating this masterpiece and I'm sure this isn't the last time I reading this
lol rather stand queer