If the Duke is going to possibly "do differently to help Reina", what was stopping him from doing the same in the past when the circumstance of the Reina's father are exactly the same. Also, I don't get why the Duke wanted another chance only to ask forgiveness, and said he doesn't know what to do since Reina changed, so just because she remembers all the bad things you done to her in the past it ruins your plans to apologize and to do anything? It more concerning that he thinks only a sorry will fix things, but it looks like he only returned to the past to only ask for forgiveness, and not try change the circumstances which I think is selfish because he is putting Reina through the same suffering she went through in the past just so he can say sorry? That would have happened if Reina didn't remember her past, even when she does remember her past she is pretty much just fending for herself and Elle against Reina's father and the Duke, since the Duke is Reina's father's puppet, unless the Duke finds a way to help her which goes back to why the Duke couldn't do the same to help Reina in the past when the circumstance of the Reina's father are exactly the same. He "says" he still doesn't know what to do to help Reina with all the experience he is "suppose" to have, what was stopping him from finding a way to help when he "supposedly" had no experience at all in the past is what is baffling.