Witness the titular Punpun - who is depicted as a tiny, caricatured bird in an otherwise normal huma...
- Author: asano inio
- Genres: Comedy / Drama / Mature / Psychological / Romance / School Life / Seinen / Slice Of Life / Tragedy
A manga about people trying to kill themselves, but weird stuff happens instead. ...
- Author: ITOU Junji
- Genres: Drama / Horror / Seinen
To what extent must a housekeeper do things to be acceptable? One of the noble families of England:...
- Author: yana toboso
- Genres: Comedy / Fantasy / Supernatural
The first 2 volumes contain thematically linked but self-contained stories concerning Tomie - a beau...
- Author: itou junji
- Genres: Drama / Horror / Josei / Mystery / Psychological / Supernatural / Tragedy