I read this novel a longggg time ago so I was really confused when I started reading the first ch and was like “this is hella familiar”
novelupadtes : https://www.novelupdates.com/series/if-you-devour-poison/
Directed link is in google doc now, confusing since I remember reading it on a translation website ( ̄へ ̄) : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jsZztmyre86A7EvsrJwIHhKiS0MRu196/edit#heading=h.72vdvs8isy5p
Not Laois being my fav character Fr- of course the monster eating, hungry all the damn time blonde who barks like a dog is my fav… Fr tho awesome story with amazing story building background. Everything fit together perfectly, the character relationships was so funny