Jinxie June 8, 2018 6:34 pm

Omg. I want spoilers ASAP!!!!!

Jinxie May 31, 2018 12:35 pm

This clearly made my day but i was kinda hoping to see more of her brother and that girl

Jinxie May 14, 2018 3:27 pm

Oh my.. The ending was BADASS!

Jinxie May 7, 2018 10:19 am

Im so relieved that renji and uta somehow made peace. It would have been terrible if one of them died

    Noooo April 30, 2018 6:12 pm

    Oh this hurt... Mo Guan Shan must feel so powerless, no wonder he tries so hard to look tougher than he is. I love him so much. The only problem is the more I love Momo, the more I resent He Tian for their unbalanced power dynamic. Momo doesn't need one more person making him to feel powerless and forcing him to submit.

    Aerika April 30, 2018 8:03 pm
    Oh this hurt... Mo Guan Shan must feel so powerless, no wonder he tries so hard to look tougher than he is. I love him so much. The only problem is the more I love Momo, the more I resent He Tian for their unba... @Noooo

    He might? I mean, think about it. He Tian is basically a sadistic ball of random. Every interaction they have takes Momo away from his current life and forces him to interact. Gives him someone to be angry at and let loose on who can take it and is such an asshole Momo doesn't have to feel bad about it after. Idk, but I felt sorry for Momo until he chose to stay when He Tian was 'unconscious'. Obviously he's getting something he needs out of this.

    Anonymous April 30, 2018 11:22 pm
    He might? I mean, think about it. He Tian is basically a sadistic ball of random. Every interaction they have takes Momo away from his current life and forces him to interact. Gives him someone to be angry at a... Aerika

    Hmm.... I'm sorry but I don't think anybody needs to be treated as pet and bullied to be forced to interact. It would be maybe useful if was a true balance of two bickering boys and they treated each other the same. If for each punch He Tian gave him, Mo could give it back. The way it is, Mo has no choice in anything and he doesn't stay because he is getting something out of it. He stayed when He Tian tricked him, because he is a softie and he really thought he had made He Tian pass out. He can't help but care, even more because he may be already attracted to He Tian. But to wish Mo to fall for a man who treats him the way He Tian does --- he may like and be attracted to Mo but he doesn't respect him. He Tian says ' I don't like to be given directions' and he says so to a guy that he has been ordering around from day one. Does Mo like to be given directions? No. It humiliates him. To me the saddest interaction was the earrings scene. I felt like crying because that scene is really about He Tian humiliating Mo and forcing him to wear a jewelry for him. It was degrading. We know also how Mo fears He Tian -- by his parallel with He Cheng -- danger at the slightest provocation. Everything Mo knows from his short life has taught him that people like He Tian -- the rich and powerful and strong -- they take whatever they want, they treat others whatever they want. He said once He Tian was the kind of people he hated the most --- probably something he learned from watching what happened to his father restaurant. I know readers point out the good things He Tian does it --- and he is sexy and a charmer and all that --- but to me there is either a relationship that is sex kink ( the pet/owner master/slave) or a relationship that is about love and unless He Tian stop acting like the master and by consequence Mo gives in submission I can't help but wish Mo had found a partner and feel in love with a dominant person who will ever look down on him from his 'master' position. I don't think that can be helped though, that is certainly their dynamic and we all know that in the end, Mo will adjust and 'be tamed' as a pet.

    Atsuya May 1, 2018 12:17 am
    Hmm.... I'm sorry but I don't think anybody needs to be treated as pet and bullied to be forced to interact. It would be maybe useful if was a true balance of two bickering boys and they treated each other the ... @Anonymous

    totally agree

    Aerika May 1, 2018 8:30 am
    Hmm.... I'm sorry but I don't think anybody needs to be treated as pet and bullied to be forced to interact. It would be maybe useful if was a true balance of two bickering boys and they treated each other the ... @Anonymous

    All good points. But I think it's too early to assume he's going to be tamed. I've read several manga where the uke sticks up for himself. I do think he'll end up with He Tian but that doesn't mean he'll remain powerless. There are hints that He Tian has his own issues that will come to light as the manga goes on. This could change the dynamic completely.

    I should probably point out that when I read manga I don't look at it from a realistic perspective unless it's hit a trigger for me. For it to hit a trigger it has to have a character with a similar personality to my own abusers. Even if the abuse is the same, it the characters personality doesn't 'take me back' then it'll just skate by. I'm a fiction writter, so when I look at manga I try and see what the mangaka is using these behaviours to say. This goes for pretty much everything. It can be completely disgusting and unacceptable IRL but in a manga (or a book) it can be a usefull tool to make the reader feel something. Like in Harry Potter, it was completely detestable that all these adults place their hopes on a child because of something that happpened when he was an infant. But Rowling used that to show multiple aspects of humanity.

    I don't want you to think I find He Tian's behaviour acceptable. For me, it's just a tool to show me something and make me feel something. IRL I think we'd all be calling the cops.

    Anonymous May 3, 2018 6:12 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! KatlynnMaeSpore

    How stupid can one get?

Jinxie April 29, 2018 8:16 pm

You can find the last chapters on this ig page https://www.instagram.com/p/BiKDMi7FVVU/

Jinxie March 27, 2018 1:02 am

The end??? WHAAAAT

Jinxie March 14, 2018 2:03 pm


Jinxie January 31, 2018 2:02 am

You can find the rest of the chapters translated in english on "cbawtrans" instagram page. It s linked in bio (⌒▽⌒)

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