I’m really curious how the end result is the dragon ruling the kingdom for hundreds of years. I feel like Brian and Sol likely didn’t get much time together after all this is over and Brian was then Murdered by his political enemies.
I also think this flashback is gonna be the season, so not expecting anything else. I’m fine with it. I like it, I just miss the romance, the intensity between Ian and Sol is a bit different than that of Brian and Sol.
Also, chief should just die. I hope sol kills them

I think Brian's killed (in that sacred mountain maybe by Heron) after they successfully gained the power. Sol will become king to contiune Brian's legacy while waiting for his reincarnation. Meanwhile, Heron (forgot his real name) creates the rival kingdom, blending in the human and seeking Brian's reincarnation.
I love them So much
(Also jelly of those stands)