They spoiled one of my favorite stories. I read this book so many times. They spoiled it!!

hahaha so true, plus there's so much that's missing. Tallie's nickname for Magnus is 'The Icicle', not 'Ice Earl', her way of accepting the proposal is very different and her conditions to marry Magnus are not fully stated, and they've totally skipped the second angst of the story - the misunderstanding between Tallie and Magnus and his mistrust of her towards the end. Of course there are limitations to manga version, but rather than filling the panels with pointless and over-dramatic actions of the characters, it would've been better to include the details that matter, or atleast some bits and pieces of them!!!

Yeah....boy that man trust issue is really something
But maybe the manga brush it off because it took too much of the story. And we all know it was the basic angst of the story and the mangaka was breaking her/his brain on how to include those drama in a chapter. She/he did say that it was a great novel

Yes, his trust issue does stretches throughout the novel, and only gets solved at the end, but his doubting her and her love seems pointless tbh. Guess mangaka had to deal with quite a lot when deciding what to include and what not to. Overall it's a good one though, as it didn't stray much compared to the other harlequin mangas, just the ending was too rushed.

They both have the same crest. His is taking a while to show because his heart is too shrouded in darkness. When his feelings for Elzay becomes real, right now he is just possessive of her. There is no possibility of her having a different pair. She wanted to save him and her wish was granted, reason her crest has healing power.

You keep saying they were in love and stuff. They were never lovers! Sungho just wanted to be friends with Dohyun. He wasn't comfortable with having sex with Dohyun, in his mind it wasn't right. Dohyun uses their friendship as blackmail material to force him to have sex, when Sungho told him that he didn't want yo have sex anymore but to hang out and do stuff that friends do he got upset. He was all let me write on you or we have sex, my guess is that he still forced him to have sex even though he was allowed to write on him, judging from Sungho's reaction when his classmate touched him. That's a shitty thing to do to a lonely kid who considers you his only friend.

I don't think he was forced. He was never restrained. Sungho could always go away.

no. the MC wanted them just has sex friends only. Dohyun wanted "more" then sex and that's why he stay while he could just leave.
he know the MC didn't felt anything for him, but he still wanted him.
so it Dohyun fault for staying and he becom a fuck up raper!
the MC easily walk away from him from the very start. STOP TRY TO JUSTIFY THE CRAZY RAPER!

The man with yellow eyes is Sungho ;)

The 'crazy raper' is called Sungho....the MC is called Dohyun....And we don't know the full story unless you've read the raw and can understand so we can't assume Sungho up and did all of this because he's 'obsessed'. He even said he was doing all the things Dohyun did to him back then. So we just have to read and see ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

oops sorry my bad XD I"m bad with names!! I meant Sungho! fuck those names, they so hard to get XDDD
from what I seen recntaly, Sungho did know the MC didn't care about this. and yeas in some way he become very 'obsessed' with him after the MC left him. we know the MC left him in some point in high school but not when. so...yeas ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ it still Sungho fault that choose to stay with someone that don't care while knowing fell well the other guy didn't care! he should have just leave.

Look at this properly and think who wants the sexual relationship, the next page shows the look on Dohyun's face when Sungho calls them friends. Sungho just wants to chat and do homework together, Dohyun wants sex. I think Dohyun might have liked Sungho else he wouldn't have been do angry when Sungho called them friends.

I try to get who and the name but it took me a while. I just usued I they look XD
like I said the MC didn't want friends, he never cared about people like we seen in his POV. he just wanted sex friends that he don't need to care about. he don't need to talk with them after the sex.
the yallo eyes guy WANTED MORE! whatever it mean friendship or to get the MC closer to him or to make him care about him "more". that's why he stay cause he assume HE CAN MAKE HIM CARE! he "can change" him. and it seem he did wanted more then "friendship" to me. but again, the MC prove to him time after time HE DON'T CARE ABOUT HIM AND HE NEVER WILL!! what was clear from the start.
so it wasn't really force or a rape, since the yallo eyes choosen to stay from his own reasons! he still have the ability to leave!

Not really. Their is quite easy because the each character in the korean alphabet (hangul) only has one sound. Unlike in english where you would have 'A' having more than one.
It's never that easy to walk away from something or someone you care deeply for. For Sungho, Dohyun was his dearest friend/lover/person that he didn't want to leave him. Even though he knew all of that about Dohyun he stayed because he didn't want to be left alone. If it was that easy for him as it was for Dohyun we wouldn't be here right now xD
I wouldn't say he was obsessed. Just imagine the only person who decided to like or even befriend a complete weirdo or outcast such as oneself and then to have that person use you, only want you for sex....it would left almost anyone hurt and seeking revenge. Again, the human mind is fragile.

you know I can agree with your logic, it can be very hard. I can see what you mean, but if that "person" rape you, then most of the time at least, normal people will leave/run.
even if it is hard, even women that were hit for years can choose to leave and never come back to their "dear husband" when given the chance too even if they stay alone so....has much has Human feelings are hard to control, has you said, most humans will run from someone that hurt them/ rape them.
unless they become obsessed or didn't felt like it was rape at all. in that cause, they would stay or they like to be rape XD I don't call it revenge, just his madness.
Reading some of the comments, I'm glad I don't have friends like you. How can showing concern be considered overstepping bounds. Melissa read about the poison in novel, so decided to go with that plan. Peacock might not have thought about killing as the novel has changed and that might be one of the changes. She is basically creating a situation forcing Peacock to attempt to kill her. Nines wants her to come up with a plan that doesn't require actively putting her life on the line. That loving and caring friends do.