tbh i ship charlize more with the blondie. fl and ml r too similar and u can clearly see the affects of him getting groomed by her. fl has more chemistry with blondie and they would be rlly cute tgth. dylans possessiveness would be nice, but the fact that he was groomed into that is just weird and it makes me uncomfy,,, esp whenever theyre tryna make a hot scene with his being 'jealous' in it

all the characters in this manhwa piss me off, but the mc pisses me off the most. the mc has literally no personality. shes so fucking useless, always making the ml do something ab her problems. can she not make up her mind either she dosent like it when people are mad at her, but when theyre nice she dosent use if to her advantage. forget iq she didnt even have any to begin with. why is she not taking advantage of the tiger instead shes treating him like shit. shes the most basic npc ahh character there is, even the pink haired bitch has some sort of personality compared to the mc.
at first i didnt ship them bc they were both blonde and resembles siblings more or less, but now i can see the chemistry. im glad the fl got of out of that mindset bc then the story would have just gone downhill, the side characters deserve to be happy too