I have a question where can I watch the animation of this in English that not YouTube
I like the story but cheering scums are the worst he could of been honest about everything and he got
Karma but I feel like he didn’t deserve all of it though but most of it
Awww come on… what is with anticlimaxes it bad for my excited brain and thumping heart lol
Honestly I love this manga 8.5 out of ten for pacing, art 7/10 not super consistent in art but really good art overall, -1 for the posting errors and-1 for jumping between reason of the fight with silver the fight came out of nowhere though I know the reason it like taking 3 steps forward and one step back same reason with the treasure room scene minus one I find the story does a lot of bad flow so I would give it 4/10 however even though that is case it still a brilliant story it just needs improvement though it is on the line of being understood
Why is their still a place holder and why they keep reposting
Can anyone recommend any similar to this josei it so good
Can you recommend me something like my hero academia but a color series please
Awww I’m sad I want more I almost had a stroke when it said I got the last chapter posted damn anticlimax are the worst and I don’t learn this is brilliant
Non colored manga is getting harder to read and harder to understand
I love how they ask for our understanding when they don’t even explain why they are not continuing the series
I’m mad now because their is no explanation and understanding of why they dropped it I want to strangle people who are like this
I hope the grandpa couple gets an ending there is reincarnation and possibly kids to stop damn being stubborn and turn into vampire
How I know my manga account just got hacked I almost panicked lol
My comment started to change and a comment was posted then to my surprise I logged out and in incase my the site was playing up just to find that my password has changed then luckily my email backed up the change on my password so I’m literally probably going to change my other account password for other app I swear at the person who did it. I apologize if this is not manga related but I’m pissed
I can’t believe we have to wait another 2-3 months before next season lol I’m missing it so much