Annoying this is good manga but the slow pace and stupid misunderstanding is really starting to irritate me

Girl you calling me out for replying when you're doing the same thing. You don' know how annoying it is to see people repeat the same shit 20+ chapters in. Like yeah no shit it's slowburn. Why are those complaining still here reading.
I'm having an aneurysm reading your replies. What are you even trying to say.

Thank you for understanding my point lol yes I have a opinion and not once did I have anything bad to say lol I like the manga but I don’t like the pacing of the story I have not said i hate the story and I not like I’m outright telling others not to read or that I’m dropping it and I felt that also misunderstanding is irritating because they overdraw the emotions and it like overacting if I had to describe it it is like worse than a emotional cat overly skittish

Ahh this the life reading satisfying manga and manwha and manhua though the unsatisfying bit that is I I have no patience for incomplete manga that episode ends with a cliffhanger

I know right?
For that I have a technique... for rofan and slice of life I search for the novel spoilers...
For the action, comedy and world-hopping ones I look for the novels and read both.
The novels are usually more detailed... but the comics help with having a better image of the characters and of the fight scenes... those can be hard to visualize in my mind...

And you know I leave it alone for a while for more chapters to come and forget about what I read and do this multiple times till I lose interest lol same with books I have read more than 2000 manga and more than 2000 books watched 280 anime and 600 movies in less than 8 years and hence cliffhangers waiste life and time
I hope the grandpa couple gets an ending there is reincarnation and possibly kids to stop damn being stubborn and turn into vampire