Haioka-ane's experience ( All 0 )

Haioka-ane's answer ( All 0 )

Haioka-ane's question ( All 1 )

I'm back to this website...... Every time I have free time, I spend it doing this and I always end up regretting not enjoying being outside and living my life...
It's been like this since I was in studies, if my friends didn't contact me, I would spend all my time reading... A day could have 14 hours of screen time because that was all I did.

Then I had a year abroad, I didn't touch my phone because there was so much to do everyday !!! And it lasted but now that I actually have time, I'm back to this bad habit instead of doing useful things or just being outside living...

Maybe the solution is to read only the actual manga but it's a bother to buy it when you're not very settled yet (in a house). I'm angry at myself because it's such a waste of time!!
If I had to live my week in a loop, I would be sooo sad that my reflex was to look at my phone for hours every day.

It's my first time opening the forum, I don't really need advice, it's just to vent my anger (andddd to see that I'm not alone
6 days

People are doing

did saddest manga ever


10 hours
did learn a new skill

who knew actually leaving helped me heal? thank you for the experience fr and im just so glad-

13 hours
did saddest manga ever

(it's happy-sad but) Like A Butterfly

16 hours