suneater's experience ( All 0 )

suneater's answer ( All 3 )

i'm a lesbian! :oo   2 reply
17 07,2018
about being gay
I'm STILL not sure whether I'm a lesbian or bisexual yet, but I do know that I realized I would date girls when I was around 11 because I developed a crush on my best friend. I didn't think anything of it because to me it was just a normal conclusion to come to... I didn't realize that some people might not think that way until I was in high scho......   reply
07 02,2018
about penpals
I think this is a really good idea! I'm interested in it. Also, I think that discord might be the cleanest and easiest way to keep things organized and working well if this were to ever come to be! I don't know much about whatsapp since I have never used it but if it's anything like line then... yeah!   reply
11 01,2018

suneater's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did tried to kill yourself

I've attempted many times in the past decade. Keeping my mind preoccupied allows me to just let it be.

4 hours
did be a dumb bitch

I'm forever the top g dumb b. Chat, cooked?? we cookin??? i want off this mortal coil!! lets get a lil crazy, sleep w/ our socks on maybe.

8 hours
did tried to kill yourself

Way too many times, I tried. Haven't self harmed in years, stopped chasing random highs, now I'm in college, so there's that. Wowza.

8 hours