So he’s a Gemini (▰˘◡˘▰)
The astrological zodiac signs are pretty inaccurate, sis considering how the position of stars change over decades. It’s not the best thing to go off of in terms of personalities. Psychologically speaking, Myers Briggs 16 personalities spectrum is by far the most accurate set list of personalities to refer people to
I respect your opinion but I believe strongly in it. Real astrology is a discipline, complex and full. I'm at the beginning of my learning. I've still so much to learn. I believe in psychology too, it's another way to see things and it's really interesting. When I speak about astrology to people, I discover they are full of cliches. But when I study a little bit their birth horoscope, some of them who are a little bit curious, say that a lot of things are right. Some would say barmum effect, I don't know cause it happend that people gave me the wrong hour of birth and indeed it didn't fit to their personality. Sorry for this long text but I'm really attached to my passion :) I'm too used to people who say what I need to believe
It’s not an opinion. Psychology isn’t an opinion. I respect the fact that you can believe in astrology and what not but I won’t permit you to label psychology as a “belief.” Psychology is about mental illness and cognitive and human behavior that correspond to how the brain and mind function as one. Psychology is not a fucking belief system. It is fact to the core. It’s even used in FBI and CIA agencies as a means to profile all sorts of murderers and killers. And I’m glad you found happiness in astrology and deem it interesting, like good for you, I’m proud that you can believe in that, but I strongly encourage you to not dismiss or assume psychology is just a belief system that you can lump with astrology. That’s just not right at all and incredibly disrespectful to people who struggle and suffer with mental illness and have lost loved ones because of it.
I don't say that psychology is a belief. I say that I believe in that too that's a big difference. I love psychology. I have parents who both work in a psychiatrical hospital. I started to be interested in it since I was 14. I helped me with depression, social phobia, suicidal thoughts. Nobody knows about that. When I told you it was your opinion, I talked about your opinion about astrology. I would never discredit psychology because I wanted to become psychologist but in my country, there's not enough jobs for it. The word "believe" isn't a word who is always related to a belief, a religion. Believing is a extreme power who comes from your soul. That's why I say that I believe in psychology.
I truly like the second couple more (≧∀≦)