I love this. People seem to forget that Tristan and Ethan have been apart for a while so of course they want to indulge in each other every moment they can. So they kiss, flirt and get intimate a lot. Even with other people, they love each other so much. So I really don't think too deeply about those "cheating" moments. I love their relationship so much <3

I kinda want a chasing arc but without separating them. Like, still living together but trying to work things out. But, if granny's really dead, Dan doesn't have a reason to stay with JJ now that he's so broken. Dan can pay back all the money working for another celebrity or returning to the hospital. I remember JJ paid for some of his granny's treatment or the debt in general so I'm sure that's the only thing that still lingers between them. All's about money and power with JJ...
Chasing Dan and JJ background's arcs are gonna be so much fun!

What hurts me the most was that Sada never said 'I love you' back to Mamiya in that crucial last moment. He was kind but not so kind to hurt Mamiya about something he knew wasn't true. He was grateful to Mamiya and did everything to make him feel loved. He was the only one for him, who could love him and share a 'life' with. But I want to believe he loved him enough to wish him well even after he's gone. Now, I gonna cry. Bye.

Plot wise and in Jinx logic, it makes sense that potato didn't said anything or tried to defend Dan. It's for building drama. In reality, anyone will try to back up a friend wrongly accused. But here, they need to make Dan as pityful and lonely as posible. Por boy.

It is also the Korean hierarchy. He is at the bottom of hierarchy. https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/15594748/
Kinda wish Ethan talked to Wren in his vampire form. In my opinion, he looks more dominant and dangerous that way I don't know why. Like more feral? I love it <3
Thought the same!!!!!! :)