Hot take but man I hate gren idk why

He grew up in an abusive household with a father who was addicted to drugs. His entire life he was surrounded by drugs and was never taught how to go about a healthy way of life. Him being in the story isn’t for you to be giggling and kicking your feet, its for introducing a conflict for Shin to handle. He is there to build character for Shin and for us to see how Shin will handle being unfortunately caught in a life of crime and also see his ability to protect the people he love. I understand you’re here for the porn but if you believe you can criticize a character you didn’t even put in the effort to understand, is simply stupid i fear. I FEAR.

bruh I would have more respect for him if he offered Shin even emotional support, Shin is always the one who needs to look out for him and even if he is his hyung they should BOTH be there for each other. reliable men will always make me giggle and kick my feet, and exactly his only purpose is for shin's character growth and the progression of the plot which is why he barely shows up at all in the story and when he does it's "what has gren gotten up to again" verses scenes that make me care about him as a character. we're shown some of him as a child and that's a horrible way to grow up, but a character's personality and actions is what makes you like them as a person and I just don't.
Plot could of been way better without sex evrey chapter