I feel like it's not that weird they're not siblings and most of you guys commenting are either white/american or not used to asian culture because this is very common to call older guys brother. also brotherhood and sisterhood to those unrelated to you but are childhood friends is very common a lot of you are complaining when it's literally normal, you're just applying too much western logic into a manga which is literally asian.

I just reread it here's a summary for anyone that forgotten the story (not 100% accurate and leaves out some details)
Basically we start off at new years where for some reason ash kisses him for idk why. All the pressure and stress or something psychological causes Lyle to have a sexual dysfunction where he can't finish as a recommendation from his doctor he decides to sleep with an alpha for a certain amount of time. The alpha being the ML Ash, he decides to do this as a favor to Lyle's brother in law. They do the usual "let's not fall inlove with eachother and stay professional blah blah blah" guess what they fall inlove. We have an angst moment where miscommunication and misunderstanding goes SOOOO wrong, Lyle gets so depressed and heartbroken he tries to call Ash but he doesn't answer (Ash was really busy with work and got a lot of calls so he couldn't check) he sells his home, changes number, and ask to get into an arranged marriage with an omega. All of this because Ash said that they were nothing to eachother in front of his friends and when Lyle asked to end their arrangement because of how hurt he was, then Ash got hurt because Lyle asked to end their arrangement and decides to be cold to him, then Lyle gets even MORE hurt that Ash seemingly didn't care. Meanwhile Ash also gets depressed to the point he hets distracted at work and his friends notice that he's acting weird but even after this he's still in denial about his feelings. After he's walking down the street, subconsciously looking for Lyle and accidentally mistakes some random man in a coat as Lyle, he finally stops lying to himself and accepts that he misses and loves Lyle so much to the point it's painful. Ash misses Lyle so he decides to call him, but guess what! the number is not in service. Ash gets desperate and asks to meet up with Lyle's brother and his lover. That's when he finds out that Lyle is getting engaged DUN DUN DUN!!! after that huge shocker the brother brings out the gift Lyle meant to give to Ash the day they broke off, It was the painting that Ash spent years trying to look for and get it. That's when he realized Lyle also loved him because Lyle spent months looking for that painting and bought it for Ash, He knew that Lyle wouldn't do this for any short fling. Ash decides that he's not going to let Lyle go, so he begs the brother and his lover to take him to Lyle's engagement party. I'm too lazy to sum up the rest but basically the engagement doesn't work out they fall inlove and date all is well.
omg yes femdom!