I actually kinda ship the MC more with his best friend (even though it won’t happen obviously). I ship tiger with fox ( the bubbly blonde guy) also But I did read a theory where someone said maybe the best friend will realize he has feelings for MC after Hanwool (tiger) starts falling for MC. I like that theory but eh

What is the uke’s job ? It says host what does that mean ? If he is in a relationship with the teacher seme why did he go on a date with his that woman & called her his customer ? lol

A host is someone that works at a host club where women pay to have company with handsome men. Some women get lonely and the men are there to give that company, some hosts are more flirtatious then others and others are more professional like the uke here, saying he doesn’t have sex with his customers.

Host & hostess are people who work at club who accompany customers to drink. They act as sales as well because they often offer expensive drink. In japan. Host / hostess have job like more than just accompanying like listening to the customers story (whether they are happy, angry or sad). Often lonely women or men went to club just looking for host/hostess consolation because they act "affectionate". They are not prostitutes at least not from the club. But they can sleep with customer outside working hours if they're willing. The woman is story is customer from uke's club where he is working as host and apparently the woman loves the uke that's why she keep coming and spent money there but uke didn't see he loves her

So why does the mom hate Merry’s mom so much ? Did Sohoo’s dad have a crush on the mom or Merry’s dad ? I’m still confused as to why I see that Merry’s mom stole her husband that’s why she wants merry dead.

From what I gathered from the available chapters. Merry’s father found incriminating evidences on Madame Director (sohoo’s mom) activities. She had merry’s father killed on the day of Sohoo’s birthday. Sohoo’s father found out that it was her wife’s fault and because of that felt guilty until he died. Sohoo’s father took upon himself to take care of merry and his mother which is one of the reason Madame Director hates them. She felt like they stole her perfectly crafted son and husband.
It’s the latest chapter and end of season 1. The seme is seen with a bouquet and there’s a girl in a red dres who is she ? And then he is seen at a grave putting a bouquet on the grave . Did his ex lover die ? Or was that his mom ? He looked young too thanks
I think it might be his mother? The last name on the gravestone was Ji. If I’m not mistaken, I think that’s the same last name as Luan- when he’s not using his Chinese name.
Oh ok I thought he was getting married and the girl rejected him lol he was sad. And he was in a tux and had flowers and the lady/girl had a dress on looked like a wedding dress