https://incognito created a topic of Home

Tell me you don't have a life without telling me you don't have a life:

Ceres represents all children who felt like their mom was taken away by their newborn sibling

My sweat flows like their cum cause i cannot wait to see it when the misunderstanding finally gets resolved

https://incognito created a topic of Backlight
https://incognito created a topic of Ang Ang

Gyaaaaa!! Please do not wonder where your captain is, he is all good and well so pls no more trouble

https://incognito created a topic of Backlight

Nuh uh, why do authors always make the second ml better than the actual ml in terms of personality

I thought he was Cute, turns out he's Creepy and Concerning.

I don't know man I'm starting to like HYEON better

He's worried about leaving a mark on him but completely ignores hwibum's cry for him to stop

Somebody should go to jail if there's no full season of the hand fetish one. I WOULD EAT THAT SHI UP IF THEY EVER MAKE ATLEAST ONE SEASON PLEASE.

I need somebody like jihyuk in my life man. Atp just give me jihyuk, I'll love him like no other.

Kinda hoping for a second ml for onizuka to appear so the ml will realize his feelings for him ,(if he even likes onizuka)

https://incognito created a topic of Love in Orbit

I don't know why but sihwa is so cute when his actions completely contradict his words.

https://incognito created a topic of Pop One's Cherry

I . mean, he deserves it ngl. and that's why it's important to respect boundaries, children.

The second male lead syndrome is waving so damn hard

https://incognito created a topic of Fight Club

The art style is so juicy and plump like a steaming-hot golden brown fresh buns.