Gosh i wanna read this cause everyone says it’s good but I can’t deal with love triangles

FL had a one sided crush that wasn’t reciprocated, and it was complicated because she didn’t have memories of him from the past. His emotions were also complicated and wouldn’t really be considered romantic love, and it was made abundantly clear when they mentioned they viewed each other as family (in case you missed that part)

It was quite literally reciprocated. There was even a scene where he wished that if he went back in time, instead of “rejecting” her, he could have just held her. He had complex feelings for her bc of the love/hate and their past but he did love her as a romantic partner but he saw her as family too bc of the trauma bond and everything else.
He even had a talk with the ML about how she was so lovable and beautiful and that he also fell for her so he understood why ML did too and gave him the shovel talk basically. Did you also forget the kiss scene with FL’s second personality where he didn’t push her off and kissed her back??
Like why are you downplaying their romantic interactions even if it’s mix in with complex ness, their relationship isn’t just simply romantic or not. It’s so much more than just family friends or love interest.

Not you spoiling the whole thing for the OP but like it’s not that serious… and everyone has their own opinions it’s not just one valid answer, we’re both correct because that how we understood it. For me it wasn’t a true love triangle, but at the end of the day, that’s my opinion. If you want to keep one sidedly arguing with me and forcing your opinions on me go for it but I’m out.

Girl they asked that question in April they probably already read it and if not I apologize. How is it an opinion when it’s LITERALLY confirmed in the manwha/manga (idk if it’s Korean or Japanese) itself. Like the 2nd ML loving the FL romanticlly isn’t a perception or speculation like you’re saying it is. That’s the part. I don’t understand like you’re low-key lacking reading comprehension lol.
I guess I can agree to your opinion on whether it’s a love triangle or not because that depends on the person’s definition of a love triangle. Makes me question what your definition of a love triangle is then because of this isn’t it. I wonder what it is LMAO
Thought we were getting another volume