This is the lastest "raw" that I found of "A Man Like You"
It's up to chapter 77

The medical word for vomiting blood (or throwing up blood) is haematemesis. This symptom is usually due to a problem within the upper gut. That is, the gullet (oesophagus), stomach or the first part of the gut (small intestine) known as the duodenum. There is a range of different causes
Common causes of throwing up blood include:
A stomach ulcer.
Alcoholic liver disease.
A tear in your gullet (oesophagus) caused by prolonged retching.
Swallowing blood from a nosebleed.
Bleeding from the oesophagus
Causes include:
Oesophageal Varices. Varices are enlarged, swollen blood vessels in the lining of the gullet or stomach. They are one of the possible complications of liver cirrhosis. In cirrhosis, scarred liver tissue blocks blood flow through the liver. This causes an increase in pressure in the vein that takes blood from the gut to the liver (the portal vein). The increased pressure pushes back into the gut and causes the veins to swell in the gullet. The swellings are quite fragile and may bleed heavily into the gullet.
Inflammation of the oesophagus (oesophagitis) is often due to acid reflux from the stomach (gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD)). The inflamed oesophagus sometimes bleeds.
Oesophageal cancer sometimes causes bleeding into the oesophagus.
Mallory-Weiss syndrome is bleeding caused by a tear in the lining of the oesophagus or stomach. The tear can be caused by anything that leads to a sudden rise in pressure in the stomach or the oesophagus. For example, repeated retching or vomiting, excessive straining, violent coughing or hiccupping.
Bleeding from the stomach
Causes include:
Stomach (gastric) ulcer. An ulcer is a small breakdown in the lining of the stomach. An ulcer may bleed, sometimes heavily. There are several causes of stomach ulcers, including:
Infection with a germ (bacterium) called Helicobacter pylori. This can usually be treated quite easily.
Anti-inflammatory medicines that are used to treat conditions such as arthritis, sometimes cause stomach ulcers.
Aspirin, used commonly to prevent blood clots.
Stomach cancer sometimes causes bleeding into the stomach.
Inflammation of the stomach lining (gastritis) has similar causes to stomach ulcers.
Varices in the lining of the stomach may occur similar to oesophageal varices described above.
Mallory-Weiss syndrome may affect the lining of the stomach - described above.
Bleeding from the duodenum
Causes include:
Duodenal ulcer. An ulcer may bleed, sometimes heavily. Like stomach ulcers, a duodenal ulcer is usually caused by an infection with the germ (bacterium) called H. pylori. This can usually be treated quite easily. Anti-inflammatory medicines and aspirin, which are common causes of stomach ulcers, are uncommon causes of duodenal ulcers.
Inflammation of the duodenum lining (duodenitis) has similar causes to duodenal ulcers.
Rare causes from any part of the upper gut
Radiation poisoning.
Uncommon infections of the gut.
No cause identified. Even after tests, in some cases the cause cannot be found.
Bleeding which has not come from the gut
Sometimes when blood is vomited, it has not come from the gut. For example, if you have had a nosebleed and then swallowed the blood, you may vomit blood. Also sometimes it can be difficult to tell whether the blood has been vomited up from the gut, or coughed up.
So in this case Mo has blood coming from his mouth and nose so there are two things that could be the reason he is vomiting up blood. One, he could have accidentally swallowed the blood causing him to vomit up blood. Two, it could also be trama to the upper gut (injury). that means when he was getting beat up every time he was hit something tore in his upper gut. like his stomach, liver, or lungs. if it was the lungs then that could also show why he was bleeding from his nose and mouth. since both the nasal passage and esophagus are connected (linked) to the lungs. It could be any of the things listed above,but this is just what I think the cause is with his current symptoms.

I thought it was internal bleeding from when the guy punched his stomach ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

I got back from my gastrology exam 3 hours ago and I was hoping to forget what have fallen upon me in this dreadful day after 2 days of sleep deprivation and continual breakdowns in a very desperate attempt I checked this manga update only to read Variceal haemorrhage, hematemesis, the sudden stretch that cause upper GI bleeding termed ''malory weiss'' btw hehe ,, oh dear God xDD someone kill me

well this is just what I think, it could even be something else. this is just my thought so don't think this is the exact answer. Your answer could also be correct because it could be enough pressure from the punch that the stomach can be severely damaged and start to internally bleed inside of the stomach. To the point where the blood building up in the stomach could able to exit the mouth through coughing. Just remember we don't know what is going to happen in the story or what has been damaged. so don't just say that i'm right when you could actually be the right one.