Sangwoo either did that to let Bum get rid once and for all from his uncle OR Sangwoo's change of personality from the beginning of the season was actually a trap set to make his "plaything" (Bum) feel happy and protected so then he could watch him suffer...or maybe he was actually feeling the bond with Bum like his mother when she was good(? but due to the recent events with the other woman Sangwoo suddenly decided to stop being nice not to get attached?

I think We're slowly approaching to the moment DG finally realizes he has no "chance" to be loved by Alex and leave so then Alex can realize too that he actually needs DG and somehow he develops actual feelings or something like that? ( ̄∇ ̄")

I hope DG is empowered to tell him that he wants to end things. Until now he has basically doing anything Jiwon says, meet at a hotel, he meets him at a hotel, meet at his house at 6pm, he's over there promptly and so on. It's clear he is getting frustrated over not feeling special, or able to have more of a say in their "relationship". For his own dignity and wellbeing he really should just tell Jiwon that he either should commit, or it's time to end things and move on. Obviously Jiwon will eventually come running.
I"m weezing omylord :^))