Duchess is back to sleeping with other women and her orrgggiiiiesss lmao. But wtf is up with Lily? Is her move really just to keep banging the duchess? XD girl... U know u ain't Happy and it's not good for u. Hiding your pained feelings by feeling good is... Well a very short-lived solution. At some point even that won't be enough

Total fruitcake. By Ch1 p16 Idc what the TL note says. By this page, i KNOW the MC is a fruitcake. Ch2 is effing HILARIOUS. Plsss. TwT MC is Lowkey a pervert and girls hate her for it xD

She actually went through some bad experiences with girls. Thus, i understand why she's not super proactive in chasing relationships and is just ok with fooling around. Y'all think Brunette Woo Hui is too good for Ji Ho but like in the 1st place, she's never been overtly fruity (had a boyfriend) and never told Jiho either if she liked women so ofc Jiho will think WooHui is 100% straight and wouldn't dare chase her seriously esp bc of her bad experience w her HS friend. I think WooHui isn't completely aware of her budding feelings either (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

I love the panels. They're so hot. Esp Blondie. And I love how there's a lot of panels of them being together in bed hahaha

They're both so freaking hot omggg. Femme x femme is my jam

I know it ain't!! It's so hanging. Also I don't see any "The End" hahaha. Sheesh idk what to think anymore and idk who to root for. Tbh I feel like seggs is only good at the beginning and later on it will feel meh so yeah haha. Let's see how Lily will fare after honeymoon phase wears off bc tbh idk if the Duchess can really swear off orgies forever ya know what I'm saying? Hahahaha

I love the story . Hot women and alcohol. Noice ヾ(☆▽☆) + spoiled girl +rich girl

Like girl. I wouldn't be jealous of u at all. I would loooovvveee youuuuu. Blondie u are finnnneeee

Sarah (blonde) is so pretty cute and sexy ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

I just realized Lily is literally being trained?? Like Pavlov's dog lmaoo. "Everytime I do *this*, I want you to say I love you and say it over and over" so over time she associates the act and the feeling as love and since she keeps saying I love you she slowly grow to believe it

What do u think will happen? I think Lily will stay bc it's not convenient for the story if Duchess is too far to seduce and pow pow Lily xDD Like Anna needs to SEE that shiz and be traumatized for added dramatic effect xD

Anyway Lowkey I want Lily to stay. BUT I want Anna to leave bc as she said, she's no longer needed by Lily. AND THEN. The Duchess' gets tired of Lily after a while... And abandons her for her orgiiiesss. And BOOM. Lily now knows the difference between lust and love. Tough lesson but a necessary one xD

HAHAHA can I just say, every time Duchess comes on screen I giggle? Hahaha. Who cares if she's ntr yuri-ing? (Like Yuri wants it anyway, literally lol) Likes she's so hottt so cutteee. I just wanna go mwah mwah mwah on her cheeks eeeeeee (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Endless cûcking and ntr ╥﹏╥ Jesus. I'm betting there's a really good chance she may not leave but if she has even the SLIGHTEST amount of brain cells she should leave ASAP

I really ship Yeoryeong x Dami. Too bad it's not gonna happen. I swear Otome manga / games just do this to bait Yuri fans TwT Best depicted friendzone of all time xD

I love youryeong so much istg. Too bad she becomes less and less relevant other than the token friend-whos-a-girl role ╥﹏╥

The concept is interesting at first but it gets unnecessarily convoluted idk. I may be biased tho xD

AHHHHH I ship purple hair girl and Blondie girl!! Ch159 hellooooo (≧∀≦) too bad they're both painfully into their mans (who look like each other lmaoo) but that Doesn't stop the fact they look good together. In another liiiife.... (This is a sign for Yuri fan artists to make this happen hahaha)

The fact that she finds the thought of the demon queen using her body to pursue romantic relations to be worse than committing evil deeds is hilarious (≧∀≦)

Sheesh She really just sat there shirtless and practically naked. And even is tryna make some moves lmao (ノ≧∇≦)ノ

Not into entertainment circle & actresses. Includes imo way too much realism (ie. Homos being forced to hide their preference etc) that it's a bit depressing to read. It's really not a fun read unless u like angst and being reminded of reality

I'm surprised that people like this. I personally don't like how Gu just keeps on going after Qu even when she's not interested esp since by all accs Qu is uncomfortable and seems very straight as of Ch39. Also didn't like how Gu will do stuff like steal kisses when Qu isn't willing to kiss her and reacted violently to being kissed by her before. Idk. Feels icky. I think she should just cut her losses and move on tbh. I mean if she were a dude I'd be disgusted af so yeah ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

Requesting an update for this Pokemon catcher of women (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ I wanna see when she'll catch the legendary brunette pokemon

This prob won't happen bc the maid is super subservient but u know what would be funny? If like she just barges in the room and JOINS IN hahhaah and be like "Ms Duchy u like orgies yes? The more the merrier? Let me innnnnn. Y y'all starting without meh??" And Duchess be like: "Get out" ._. but that would effectively kill the vibes and hopefully she'll leave. If she won't, then SHEEESH. I guess we're going the HAREM/ POLYAMORY route (≧∀≦)