Nastrayln created a topic of Nano Machine

*arm goes flying!!*

Nastrayln created a topic of Eleceed

Granted his appearance is spruced up, but It seems he had some personal growth to, more mature. And we missed all his side quests getting there! if this were a sitcom, he’d definitely get a spin-off series!! We’ve only seen him twice, but I like him, he was hilarious last time with all the, I was so handsome, Kariten you know what I’m talking about right??

Nastrayln created a topic of Eleceed

Seo Jiwoo, YOU can go whereEVER you want!!!

Nastrayln created a topic of Myst, Might, Mayhem

Why does she keep making loosing bets?

Screenshot screenshot screenshot

Nastrayln created a topic of Absolute Dominion

Well he changed his mind quick about never using his dads sword!! Every week this is such a treat!!

Y’all fucked around… and you’re about to find out!!!

Cover brought me to comments to see if it’s good or not… BUT DAMN! Only 8 chapters, yet 54 pages of comments?? 54!!! I feel like reading the comments would be more entertaining than the ‘story’

Nastrayln created a topic of Nano Machine

Acting palace lord, silver hair fox, we’re counting your days!!

Prefix this by stating I do have a frontal lobe brain injury so things do get jumbled sometimes.. BUT.. Did I miss the chapter where they explain what con their pulling exactly?? Did they replace the orginal documents with phony ones? I know their trying to hustle Harole, I’m just lost on how exactly.. I feel so dumb atm!!
┗( T﹏T )┛

Cry baby Demon Scans!!! Seriously my expectations drop every time I open a new chapter and see those crying faces! I asked our resident hero Akumakira to find a better version if they have time!! They always post the best translation!

Nastrayln created a topic of Eleceed

Who told our baby boy Jiwoo he could grow up?? Last week when she asked him to go in her place, I thought what? Why jiwoo? Why throw our lil anxious boy to the wolves?? I know his fighting has gotten next level, but I definitely didn’t expect him to have this level confidence here! Guess I’ve been in denial! Wait.. did she ask him to do it b/c after school he’ll take on more at shinwa?? Since that’s her man??
And I agree with the rest of all, the art just keeps getting better and better! Really makes me wonder what the crew is gonna look like when they leave seclusion!
Bactor looking fine AF even missing an eye! Taking bets that he’ll try follow jiwoo home to beg for healing!!

I’m not a big fan of Alicia. That BOY…I repeat..BOY not only saved her ass before, but came there in all Ernest to save her once again, Unlike her, he has no ulterior motive, To her he is a TOOL, nothing more, her anger is due to her pride, NOT any feelings for him. 99.999% of the times Ladies, especially one with an official Title (baron) DO NOT MARRY their knights.. (he’s not even HER knight to begin with!!) Speaking of, why does she not have even one knight of her own besides grandpa?!? Outside of the symbolic meaning of how he took the hanky, there is absolutely NO ROMANTIC chemistry/feelings/flirting between the two. Full stop! Even if she did fall in love, marry etc.. a part of her will probably always see him as beneath her… and his actual life navigating a novels life would be absolute hell for our boy! He definitely deserves better!! I know this is a FANTASY story and definitely respect everyone’s right to back the girl they want, I just struggle to understand why someone would choose a woman for him that he’s only interacted with twice, both times was her just using him to get what she wanted. Our boy is to pure for that!
As for his childhood friend, it’s definitely a more natural choice, not only have they had more “scenes” together, but they have also been laced with deeper meaning, when we first meet her it’s obvious she is genuinely concerned for him, she is one of the few people that actually knows he hears a voice, shows a level of trust between them, it’s her shoulder he leans on as they try to escape, she is literally ready to kill for him so that he has a sword to protect himself…Only to chop all her hair off to pay for it. Dude that panel of her crying holding her hair in her hands is gut-wrenching! Her sacrifice was what put Vlad on his first step to becoming what he is now… would he have ended up there w/o her? Probably, who knows, point is she put the sword in his hands, she is one that believed in him. Once he rescued her from those damn nuns, you see more glimpses of his feelings for her. She doesn’t try to cling to him or use him for her own gain. Once he’s done in Sohara he leaves and she stays with their “mother figure”
SOOO if I’m FORCED to choose between the 2, I definitely choose her and see them living a good life together. Life backed by mutual trust,respect, genuine feelings etc. She’ll never be a “lady” but I DO NOT get the vibe that Vlad wants to be a noble “gentleman” either. He wants to be a honorable knight, not play at politics of the aristocracy.
Honestly I do NOT see this story having much real romance anyway, this is the journey of a knight… I’m pretty sure I read a spoiler from someone that read novels and they said is no real romance until the end… and even then it’s not a lot… idk if I’m remembering that right.
ANYWAY… that’s my opinionated rant on whose best Waifu material!! if you read all this
(Mini novel!) you’re a real one and thank you!! (▰˘◡˘▰)

Nastrayln created a topic of Jinx

So, I haven’t read season 2 yet.. since it’s final season figured I’d wait… BUT I still come read comments every so often. feel like a total weirdo (not necessarily bad way)
Ironically Red Mansion just started and I can’t miss a week reading it… maybe b/c it’s less angst… they are both red flags, even with power/money dynamic unbalance.. they are equally mental!

Nastrayln created a topic of Red Mansion

Who has RAWS?? PLEASE!! ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

Stoke for officials coming soon!!! TY Akumakira

What a crybaby comment section! Whether she was reborn and remembers her past life… or she died and woke up in this child’s body w/e age she is at the beginning…. She is currently considered a CHILD!! Would you be happier if she was with the duke that adopted her?? She didn’t fucking groom him, she is genuinely kind to him, whether for survival in beginning, or outta genuine feelings… she was kind and protective of him, she didn’t manipulate, lie, trick him etc!!
Kids being married is weird in OUR current culture on planet earth… in the past it happened, and let’s be honest in some countries it’s grossly happening… but here in this MAKE-BELIEVE FANTASY STORY… it’s actually cute… ima lil behind.. but did they even have a actual wedding?? If I remember right, yea they SLEEP together sometimes.. that’s it SLEEP! Are they kissing, fucking, making out??? Not that I’ve read ( stopped half way to wait on chapters and her to accept she’s the lead not whoever the book said was) it’s just 2 kids being PURE, WHOLESOME, in love… YOU ALL ARE THE ONES MAKING IT WEIRD!! Really tells what kinda mind you have, that that’s where your thoughts go on such a wholesome fantasy story!!
It’s gross really! Really tired of so many continually filling comment sections with your weird Pervy thoughts!! (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ don’t like it? Don’t read it, don’t comment dumb stuff. Stop trying to make it weird and something it’s not!

Yes!! I’m here for it!!

Seriously no complaints with this one!! Sassy trolling elf… Fun… his hilarious and old.. chefs kiss.. CRAZY, SEXY, MC… yes please!! I’m over here like lil Oliver “Please may I have some more!” ლ(´ڡ`ლ)