Now that the dress is revealed it’s just kinda...meh? Don’t get me wrong it looks good just not good enough compared to the reactions it gets. Thought it was gonna have more of a wow factor and be more extravagant like the dresses in The villainess is a marionette cause some of those dresses are *chefs kiss* stunning.
Just disappointed...

Why is literally all of the characters in this manhwa so unlikeable? The fl is fucking insane with the way she stalks and harasses the ml. The blond guy is also weird af like she said she doesn’t want your comfort like why tf are you touching her? The red headed guy is just annoying and the only normal person was the ml in the first few chapters but now he likes her as well? I’m dropping this

Deborah is literally the worst friend ever. First she uses Erins phone to contact her ex without her consent or knowledge, then she tells the ex about the contract that was supposed to be a SECRET that Erin told her only because she trusted her, and lastly why tf are you trying to make her go back with her ex? As her best friend your job is to support her and help her in her current relationship. If she doesn’t get kidnapped or disappears next chapter I’m dropping this
That’s cool and all but like don’t kiss the child like that… T_T you could’ve just like give him a peck on the cheek or smth, no need for tongue my guy…